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Get Bent


About Me

Myspace Layouts at / Grunge Girl

We're here to tighten the loops in America, but in order to do that we're gonna need to step through some loopholes. Have you ever seen a sign that makes absolutely no sense? Of course you have. Have you ever read a brochure, restaurant menu or any other forms of advertising and/or list of rules and restrictions that were either redundant, contradictory, implied, pointless or just plain stupid? The answer is YES - we all have. Most people just ignore them. WE choose to exploit them and use them to our comedic advantage. Pretty much every advertisement or list of rules designed to keep order, inadvertantly allows for some wiggle room. Get Bent is gonna stretch that wiggle room into a man-sized loophole that anybody can fit through. We like to tap dance on the line of pissing people off and possibly going to jail without ever crossing said line thus maintaining our law-abiding status. Maybe we can make examples out of out of certain documented rules/regulations and make the world a better place by having those institutions reword their literature to grammatically suit their various causes. Maybe not. Either way you better buckle up because this show's gonna rock your world

The Theatrical TRAILER link (watch before pilot)


My Interests




I'd like to meet:

THIS nerd


My Blog

for those who care

So here's what's up;   Episode 3 and a good portion of episode 4 are in the can. And I have episode 5 almost completely mapped out in my brain.   So why, you ask, can we not see ep...
Posted by Get Bent on Sun, 15 Jun 2008 04:15:00 PST

we hit a snag

a small one.  the last blog mentioned such things as we were introducing new people, we are including a funny new tidbit, and we are having a "bender" professionally shot.  Not accurate...
Posted by Get Bent on Sun, 30 Mar 2008 05:11:00 PST

EPISODE 2... gonna kick total ass.  I know this and it isn't even completely done shooting yet!  I am doing something different this time and that is NOT SETTING A DEADLINE.  I am aiming for t...
Posted by Get Bent on Sun, 02 Mar 2008 02:40:00 PST

you oughtta know...

THE FACTS:   EVERYBODY THAT WORKS ON THIS SHOW IS INVOLVED IN MUSIC.   THE TRAILER The second part of the trailer has a piece of a song that Kyle and I invented that rocks.  We fi...
Posted by Get Bent on Tue, 29 Jan 2008 07:39:00 PST

more TALK

Okay!!!  I'm new at this whole producing/attempting to sell and or market a TV show thing.  Cut me some slack.  I'm a God damn pinball machine of ideas and plans.  Meaning its all ...
Posted by Get Bent on Tue, 15 Jan 2008 11:45:00 PST

the UPDATED skinny

OK so its no secret that there is no correct or guaranteed way for a killer idea to become a success.  So I kinda revamped my plan of attack.  So to keep it short (the blog), I am probably g...
Posted by Get Bent on Thu, 10 Jan 2008 08:43:00 PST

the skinny

Alright, I take it you've seen the trailer by this point.  AWESOME.  So you're up to speed on what we're about.  The plan of attack from this point forward is to compile our stuff but ...
Posted by Get Bent on Mon, 31 Dec 2007 09:08:00 PST