molly profile picture


About Me

well 4 starters.. my names m0lly. i have br0wn hair, blue eyes, 5'5".. i'm a s0ph0m0re @ glen este (cts).. i have 1 br0ther (zach, 16) and 1 sister (emily, 10).. 0h and i have a d0g lizzy and a hamster that stays @ kristens h0use, his name is willy. i'm cath0lic and yes 0f c0urse, i d0 g0 2 church. and thats basically it.

My Interests

i l0ve 2 dance and sing.. i enj0y playing sp0rts like basketball, f00tball and baseball.. but n0t 0n teams. i like d0ing them with like friends and family n stuff. i like 2 write and draw. i've always wanted 2 be like an artist 0r an auth0r 0f a b00k. and hanging 0ut with my friends is always fun 2 d0 2. i basically just like 2 have a g00d time.

I'd like to meet:

hmm... i'd like 2 meet a guy wh0s taller then me.. br0wn hair.. blue eyes.. great b0dy.. a nice smile.. great attitude.. s0me1 wh0 will talk 2 me n be there 4 me when/if times get r0ugh.. s0me1 wh0 *D0ESNT* sm0ke 0r get drunk 24/7.. s0me1 wh0 g0es 2 church n has the same beliefs as me.. and s0me1 wh0 w0n't rush me int0 d0ing s0mething i d0nt wanna d0.


*any* kind 0f c0untry s0ng


i l0ve any adam sandler 0r jim carey m0vie. there hilari0us. and i *l0ve* titanic. thats such an awes0me m0vie.


i l0ve the disney channel. s0 like "thats s0 raven".. "b0y meets w0rld".. "even stevens".. th0se types 0f sh0ws r great. and TLC. i l0ve that stati0n as well. like "a wedding story".. "a baby st0ry".. "make r00m 4 baby".. ne 0f th0se. 0h and channel 38, they have awes0me m0vies @ nite. n during the day like "step by step".. "family matters".. th0se r fun 2 watch 2.