I dunno know about you, but I am tired of living in fear.
Not terrorism i mean walking to 7-eleven at two in the morning, to get some toilet paper and worrying about what everybody around me is thinking....are they going to try and steal my wallet, are they gonna jump me because I am a diffrent race, will anybody hear the scuffle and call the cops?
Fuck that shit! Every time you watch the news you see the same thing. Be afraid of this or that. Why so American companies can sell more products to you. But thats off of the topic.I bring this up because I am tired of people having to be afraid of these low life, unitelligent pieces of shit who are insecure and actually just big pussies who can't deal with life on their own so they join a gang or become the scum who end up dong long term sentences in prison or jail. Just because you feel that society has shunned you doesn't mean you take it out on people who do not know you. No, they don't care about, and no, you don't care about them so leave that way and go on with your life.Now I have done my own bid, but let me tell you. The judicial system will let you go if you are a first timer, in general, with probation. So thats why I say long term.The cops have too much red tape and larger threats to deal with to be able to handle this. So I have a proposition for you...male or female and race does not matter, only the quality of the person. Take back what is yours, with me. I am personally starting my own war on those who choose to be the outcasts, the one who glorify their ignorance, and stupidity. I am no longer going to be afraid and this is why:Those are now my targets. I am coming for you. I will not stop. I am not looking for the homeless or the sick on the street. I want the gang bangers, the pushers, the drug dealers and smugglers. I want those who think that they can live above the law but are out in the streets. I want those who prey on the weak and the meager. I will be what you fear most. If I have to do it on my own so be it.If you care to join let me know. I will figure out a way to coordinate. I don't care where you are from. This is not a localized issue. This is a nationwide movement!
My Interests
To take back society and give it back to the responsable.
I'd like to meet:
People with the same feelings that I have.
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Wanna a new society?
I dunno know about you, but I am tired of living in fear.
Not terrorism i mean walking to 7-eleven at two in the morning, to get some toilet paper and worrying about what everybody around me is think... Posted by The Saints on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST