Ellen profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

My Interests


Black, Death, Thrash, satyricon, darkthrone, emperor, burzum, bathory, dissection, immortal, enslaved, gorgoroth, impaled nazarene, old man's child, obtained enslavement, kampfar, taake, setherial, windir, death, obituary, morbid angel, diabolical masquerade, kreator, destruction, slayer, judas priest, black sabbath, twisted sisters, pink floyd, porcupine tree, bauhaus, musique celtique, musique classique


Peter Jackson, cronenberg, hanneke, kusturica, kitano, miike, almodovar, las vegas parano, the wall, the big lebowski, c'est arrivé près de chez vous, les simpson, les inconnus, les nuls


stephen king, anne rice, suskind, mishima, george orwell, shan sa, jack london, maupassant, houellebeck


ellen mac Arthur, maud Fontenoy, Conan le barbare, Xena la guerrière