cLuBBiN... p|ayin sNo0k3r/pool... BbA|| or rather almost al kinds of ball games... Music... th3N m0sT |mpt is S|P|N
fUn interestin ppl... M/F it`s f|nE... s0c|a|aBl3 easy-goin ppl out ther!! mEEtiN my LOVE? hAhAx... mEEt uP cLuBBeRs 2 aTtEnD cLuBBiN sEssion! XsPeC|a||y ppl wif gReAt s3Ns3 oF dReSS|n... (As i kinDa LAZY 2 dress... so appreciate or rather respect ppl who dressed up, i onli dress up on occasions!) YeAh BaBy... iT's u! hahax...
a|| k|NdS... R&B... r0cK... p0ps... t3cHN0... tRaNce or even o|dIeS!!! HaHaX... Chi or EnG iS bOth fiNe!
n0 spEc|al pReFeNc3... d3pENds oN m00d N w|f who....
iT jUs g0nNa bE jAcKy Wu ZhOnG XiAn vAriteY sHoW... THE OC, Smallville...
n3B3r rEacH s|Nc3 aFt3r gRadUaTe fRoM s3coNdArY...