Fast cars that do not burn rice, redheads, midgets, beer that scare most people away, Hockey, Firearms, unpolitical correctness, XMLM channel 42!!! Fucked up cartoons, outdoors, Drag racing, and those that put the lotion on its skin...... It does this whenever it is told
Those of you, whom are not afraid of what comes out their mouths. For fuck's sake, fuck is just a fucking word, you stoopid motherfucker. If you don't like what someone is saying then stop listening, you de de de ( ignorant fuck ). Those that make barely pops, and other adult beverages so damn tasty.
Raised on Stevie Ray Vaughan and ZZ top. I live in Chicago now and now starting to dig the blues stuff a little. Music is anything where the performist plays a musical instrument, not where someone plays the rythms of others then talk shit. I love being between Chicago and it;s suburb Milwaukee name me one metal show that does hit either one of these two cities and I live right in the middle.Right now I cannot get this fucking song out of my head:Gojira To Sirius:and Otep baby!MACHINEHEAD!!!!! Crank this until your Ears Bleed!!!Arch Enemy, yes a chick can throw down too!
I like movies that make you think, you have to watch em a couple of times to get it. Quentin Tarantino makes the best movies! You cannot go wrong with the following: Full metal jacket, The Big Labowski, Natural Born Killers. Also real big on horror flicks.
How the hell did we ever watch tv with out TIVO? I like fucked up cartoons, South Park, Drawn Together, Moral Oral, Robot Chicken, Wonder Showzen, Squidbillies. TV is the new god, Tivo is is the gate keeper.
Do the magazines on the top of the toilet tank count? And does my G.I. Joe coloring book count, too?
They are working hard finding knukleheads over in the desert