Current music video to watch: Flaw - Whole
Current book: Stephen King - The Dark Tower Series (Currently, Song of Susannah)
My Johari Window. See how well you THINK you know me.
My name is Chris (and/or Cliff, you shall hear both). This is the part where you're supposed to get to know me. Good luck with that. I change frequently.
Musician. Emo kid (in denial) that lives in the middle of the desert. Music = life and there will never be an exception to that rule. It seriously encompasses every single inch of my life. I love it.
I'm a perfectly happy boy, most times. The other times I'm, well.. not happy. Such is life. I'm not about to apologize for any way that I feel/think. I'm firm in my beliefs.
From what I have read, I am an almost a perfect example of a Pisces. For those of you who deal with astrology, that explains a lot. To those of you who don't, then.. I guess you don't care!
I'm very vulgar. Crude jokes, comments, and other colorful parts of my daily persona might be highly offensive to some. Need an example? I say fuck.. a lot.
I'm cynically self-assured. It's amazing how much people fit into their stereotypes, and in this sense reinforces the fact that I'm right about most things. Most of my philosophies revolve around this simple fact.
I really don't talk much. Doesn't mean I'm stuck up or anything, I just have a hard time forming sentences in my head to where I don't think they sound asinine. That, and the fact that I'm insanely shy. Sometimes eye contact is even difficult for me.
My best friends don't completely understand the way my mind works, so don't feel bad if you don't right off the bat. I have a tendency to lash out irrationally when I'm feeling horrible. I apologize for this in advance.
I feel things at an extremely intense level. I'm very sensitive and I want people to feel happy when they're around me. If I feel like something is wrong, it won't leave me until I am 100% positive everything is okay.
I've spent the last couple of years building myself back up. Even though the world sometimes seems to crumble down around my ears, I'll still be the one that ends up on top. You just DON'T fuck me over and expect karma not to bite you in the ass.
I hate being lied to, even in the littlest way possible. I'm a very suspicious person and I HATE being right about my suspicions.
I'm very selfish with my time. Some people don't get it, some people do. I don't care either way, it's not going to change the fact that I like to veg or just sit on me arse.
I feel it is necessary to either redefine myself periodically, or re-read what I've put down here to remind myself of who I am. There are definitely times in life where I feel completely lost.
Understatement of the year: I can be a very bitter person.
Randomness: to be updated when necessary.
I sing in the shower.
Cockroaches pop like bubble wrap when you step on them.
With karate I'll kick your ass!
I stutter when nervous.
Raid Warnings = Funnest Thing EVAR!
When in public, I have a perpetual look of disdain on my face.
I can be extremely vain.
Anger comes easy for me.
If I have cake, I'm sure as hell going to eat it too!
Finding new bands that I like is the reason for my existence.
When you're this cool, the sun shines on you 24/7.
I had my black light on for 4 1/2 years. But it's dead now. I'm sad :(.
I have some Obsessive/Compulsive tendencies. If things seem out of place, it bugs the shit out of me.
I'm tired all the time. I never stop yawning.
My niece and nephew OWN you.
I look like I'm 10 when I shave my goatee off.
When I'm sick, I never just lay in bed and rest.
I say "Howdy" and "y'all."
Lipton Brisk Lemonade is the best.
I got a fortune cookie with no fortune in it. Am I going to Hell?
I really love the smell of hair dye.
I sing REALLY LOUD in the car. If you see me driving, that's more than likely what I'm doing.
I text people randomly when I'm bored/drunk. Usually really late at night.
I love my friends, and really loathe my enemies. You have GOT to love extremes.
Life is like.. well, life.
I'm pretty fucking awesome.. once I realize you're not a dumbass.