-name is Eric or Ewic.
-is born on January 31 in Fort Bragg, NC, but lived most of his life in New Bedford, MA
-Lived in Fayetteville, NC from March 04 to November 05
-has a great loving mother. =)
-is a proud brother of a US solider
-supports/respects our military.
-has a great girlfriend name Stephanie.
-Listens to heavy metal/rock music.
-Attenting Bistrol Community College for fire science. Start this fall.
-wants to be become a fire fighter.
-need a new computer. Please buy him one. =)
-is getting into online computer video gamming
-plays Delta Force Black Hawk Down online.
-is in a DFBHD squad called SwaT. (www.swat-bhd.com)
Any questions, ask him!
Screen Names
Genticdestortion - AIM
eternalrest224 - Xfire
229-118-985 - ICQ