to sing, i love cars, cartoons, and well i can cook, i collect anime figures and lord of the rings toys.
anyone who likes cars, music, tattoos, piecings, and anime, and videogames, is cool im my book. uh u should at least be around my age or older. Gotta love those older ppl lol, ppl from the bay area so if i like u and we click we can meet sometime would be cool. and thats bout it im open to anyone really.
Well 1st of all need to tell u ppl that im the vocals of a punk rock band called "MoNkEY SpIT", listen to all types of music,
My all time favorite movie is Lord of the Rings Trilogy.Also others movies that i love are Finding Nemo, 2Fast 2Furious, Pirates of the Caribbean, Brining Down the House, Chicago, Blackhawk Down, The Faculty, A Knights Tale and that all i can thick of now
i dont watch that much tv
uh well i have to say that J.R.R. Tolkien, and a hole shit olsf of
my parents and my older bro