Alternative Top 20 Chart [July 6-12]
Create your own TOP 10 from this list below (including at least 1 candidate) and send it via SMS to +37493847665. Note not the name of the track or the band but the position held by the track current week.
Create your own TOP 10 from this list below (including at least 1 candidate) and send it via SMS to +37493847665. Note not the name of the track or the band but the position held by the track current week.
Member Since: 12/24/2007
Band Members:
Gayane - The Hostess
Chut: Gai, Are You hungry??? Have You had a lunch today?
Gaiane: I haven't had lunch, but I'm not hungry :P
Chut counterattacks!: oh, what a pity! ‘Cause I wanted to say “HAHAHA I'm eating……pilmeni :) ”
Gaiane: MMMMM, I'm getting hungry already! I want some Pilmeni...
Chut uppercuts: HAHAHA I'm not wanting! I'm EATING!!!!! :D
Ester joins: Chut, I want Pilmeni as well, what shall I do?
Telman aka Phoenix knockdowns everybody! – Well, I see Eating is the today's show's main topic! OK then! I'm eating a Tasty, Hammy, Yummy sandwich!!!! UMMMMMMM!!! IT TASTES SOOOOOO Yummy!!!!
All the listeners: OOOOOHHHHH! :(
White Queen: Bklik Telman & Chut! Stop it!!! I'm SATRVING!!!! I haven't eaten anything today! I've been studying from Dusk Till Dawn (Hello Quentin Tarantino!)!:
Lizard Eyes' intro sounds like Linkin Park's What I've Done, but it's nicer!
Does anybody know how looks fly's death? No? Nobody? Ok I'll tell then! Instead of grim reaper the fly's life takes away a guy with hairy legs, wearing boxer shorts & holding rolled newspapers (a special "device" designed especially for taking away fly's life) in hand!
I have a feeling that Chip and Dale decided to have their own band. And Woodie Woodpecker is their drummer! LOL!
They are very-very-very-very-very rockin'! Marvin Tripp? Am I right?
People! Who the hell understood a single word from MARVIN TRIPP's greeting? Personally I didn't!........ But is was fuckin' rock'n'roll!!!
Telman aka Phoenix
It was really great!
Marvin Tripp deserves appearing in TOP 20!
Emo girl needed for together crying.
We are checking their minds regularly! So come again soon!
jan - untranslatable "word" that NEARLY means "dear"
bklik - glutton: