Stacy London, Jesus (my almighty savior), gandhi, santa clause. my mother and father(hahaaha)! Many people so i can tell them how great God is. Oh and maybe some old friends and people i see at school all the time! WHOOO!
People with a kind heart and good, positive intentions!
Basically, I love all the music you wouldn't like and I don't like all the music you love! HAAH! maybe not? well...Fav. band: Beirut...
Favorite Genres: FOLK!, indie, cultural, African, Christian!, jazz, scat, and deffinitely BLUES!!!(esp. 40's-50's). Music that shows the God givin talent in people and sound that doesn't sound like all that other crap out there. Music that's (my version of) good.
Music i think is poop!--Rap, Hip hop happening stuff, a lot of hits...and the number 1 poop: POP music. Any song that pretty much says "I'm circle, your square. therefore, we belong together in a bokay of love where our feelings take us galaxies away. ooo ahhh!" it makes me laugh. its cool if you like it though. i just don't get it.
Buttttt if you like the type of stuff i like...then buddy, we could be best of friends. not a lot of yumas know music.