Reading. Writing. Listening to music. Bathing. Sex. Dancing around alone because i'm too embarassed to dance with anyone. Fantasizing. Laughing at my thoughts. Thinking. Watching. Studying. Hoping. Yearning. Working. Smoking. Sleeping. Dreaming. Talking...slowly. Getting turned on. Listening to the radio. Being enthused. Loving.
Shit. Shakespeare? I don't really want to say who i want to meet.
Destroyer, Workshop, Frog Eyes, Camper Van Beethoven, Pearls Before Swine, Necromitron, Necrophagist, Neal Hefti, the Broke Revue, Starlite Desperation, Bad Brains, Clouddead, Themselves (etc.)...I'll try to change this again soon--you know, when the fire of inspiration so moves me. (10/11) Wolf Eyes, Thinking Fellers Union Local 282, Kim Gordon / Sonic Youth, (10/19); Japancakes, Blitter, Hrvatski/Whitman, Youngs and Wickham-Smith, Shockout Records, (10/28) Amon Duul, Cyann and Ben, Besnard Lakes, Kinski, IFIHADAHIFI, Blood Bros., Mantler, Jimi Tenor, Classic Hardcore, Hot Snakes, These Arms are Snakes, Dillenger Escape Plan, Suicide, Ulrich Schnauss, Human Television, Les Savvy Fav, Various Surf Rock, Ladybug Transistor, Cookie Galore, Secret Mommy, Can, Neu!, Jawbox, Clinic, Pere Ubu (12/24); Nox...I think they are currently my favorite band. And Oneida, i don't know how i missed that one (01/30/05). Movies, the Dears, New Black, Hawkwind, Boren and Der Club of Gore, Yoko Ono, Yoko's Husband, Circle-Square, DJ Hell, Unagi, the Clogs, Dirty Three, the Sub Pop Rock City compilation, Sightings (3/16/05). Brando, Witchcraft, Brian Eno (9/23/06). Dufus (11/23/06). Minus Story, Leels (2/15/07). Six Organs of Admittance, Greg Ashley, the Evens (3/09/07). The Arcade Fire, Telefon Tel Aviv (3/16/07).
Hard Candy hurt me.
The Office. I would watch Simpsons if i could get that channel in. But i don't mind not watching much tv. I just lie on the ground and ache. Sifl and Olly. Trailer Park Boys. Drawn Together.
I like the best american poetry 2006. I've been reading and studying modern poetry for probably about ten years (not counting high school). I guess it's finally starting to resonate. Thanks.
I've got heroes. I just don't like to admit it.