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About Me

~ my name is julia
~ i'm a senior at princeton university
~ 99% of what i say should not be taken at face value
~ i'm kinda mean but that's ok
~ ckc

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My Interests

sleeping, dancing, music, wasting time, creating awkward moments, gossip, making things out of construction paper
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I'd like to meet:

Jesus!!! for reals i would. and debbie harry


too many bands to mention so here are a few: silverstein, senses fails, bayside, emery, +44, AFI, atreyu, jimmy eat world, our lady of peace, death cab, hellogoodbye, horrorpops, interpol, modest mouse, red jumpsuit aparatus, rise against, smashing pumpkins, sum 41, the matches, tiger army, she wants revenge, we are scientist, blink 182, dashboard confessional, blondie, the used, the smiths


saved!, the hot chick, constantine, memoirs of a geisha, bring it on, the science of sleep, pan's labyrinth, underworld, random korean films, stick it,


grey's anatomy, house, ugly betty, heroes, pushing daisies, brothers and sisters, veronica mars, desperate houswives


bless me ultima, the giver, anything by borges


wonder woman and barbie

My Blog

wine tasting

so today was the princeton charter club semi-annual wine tasting. we got to dress up and have tons of delicious desserts, and of course wine. there were 5 varieties, 3 white and 2 red, each served wit...
Posted by *juju* on Sun, 15 Apr 2007 11:28:00 PST

charter pick ups!!!

so, instead of frats and sororities princeton has the eating clubs. they are 10 mansions in which the upperclassmen eat their meals (instead of in the dining halls) as well as socialize (all...
Posted by *juju* on Tue, 06 Feb 2007 05:43:00 PST

puerto rico

so i just got back from my intersession trip to puerto rico and it was freaking awesome!!! 80 degree weather the entire time we were there (we being my roommates and i). we went hiking in&nb...
Posted by *juju* on Sun, 04 Feb 2007 08:05:00 PST

new address

i'm back at school!!! i'm in a double this year w/my friend jen(it's super small compared to all the space we had last year in the suite). sucha and yiqiao are next door which is cool cuz i'm goi...
Posted by *juju* on Sun, 10 Sep 2006 09:57:00 PST

i'm done!!!

i took my last final this afternoon so i am officially done with my first year of college. i feel relieved but also kinda sad knowing that next year our suite is being split up. we've spent like every...
Posted by *juju* on Sun, 21 May 2006 05:15:00 PST


ok so tomorrow is dean's date which is the day all final papers are due. i have three and of course i wasted the four weeks i was at home having too much damn fun so i didn't start any of them. the pa...
Posted by *juju* on Tue, 17 Jan 2006 08:19:00 PST

damn stupid people!!!

ok so on monday night (well technically tuesday morning) my roommates and i go to bed at 1:30 am. we were just falling asleep when we hear this annoying ringing noise (it was like 2 am). we all get up...
Posted by *juju* on Wed, 26 Oct 2005 12:50:00 PST

i scrubbed the toilet!!!

today was my room's turn to clean the bathroom and the common room in our suite. so yiqiao took the common room and sucha and i got the bathroom. it took forever and a day to get it all clean. and now...
Posted by *juju* on Sat, 08 Oct 2005 11:25:00 PST

3 pages

ok so i just finished writing a 3 page essay for my spanish lit class. some of u may be thinking 3 pages so what, that's not a big deal but it's a very damn big deal. it's 3 pages in spanish. not only...
Posted by *juju* on Thu, 06 Oct 2005 12:19:00 PST


so i'm at school now, thousands of miles away from home which is a bit scary but cool. the time difference has like completely thrown me off. i spent all of yesterday traveling and then some crazy dru...
Posted by *juju* on Sun, 11 Sep 2005 09:19:00 PST