NOW SHOWING! Luke Walker as: Motel the tailor READ THE REVIEW HERE! A fit "Fiddler" on top of its game By John Hartl Special to The Seattle Times COMING SOON! hot stuff...
Welcome to the wide wide world of wonder, Today, I find that too many ARE caught up in the superficial, "what have you done for me lately", (meaning what did you buy, what do I have) granted I am a pac rat, but simply to solidify and remember exeperiences, it may only be a leaf to you but to me it was an adventure, life isn't about collecting clothes, and rocks, it's about collecting experiences, he who dies with the most toy's truly looses, for he has never known the bliss of creation, only the cancer of consumption. I must say, I do consider myself an alien, because I look around at the faces in the crowd and see only lost souls, endlessly searching to fill a viod that has been sold to them since birth. I'm not so arrogant to say I've tranceded this as I'm as much a part of the capotalistic machine as the next, but I at least have the realization of being a cog. Life is about the little things, the light coming through a bedroom window, illuminating an inch of flesh that no other creature will ever have the pleasure of witnessing, We are ALIVE the greatest gift that has ever been given, Life is too short to worry about the petty, it's all about the moment, and the endless stream of posibilites that form from every second of existance. My life may be a chaotic rollercoaster of pits and valleys, and I may enjoy life too much, but at least I'm giving it a shot, don't hide in plato's cave, explore, open new doors and see the world. okay, so I'm done blathering.... I'm sorry, that's the thing with ADHD, you hear something, or see something and it inspires a flood of ideas and thoughts, and the next thing you know, you've completely lost track of where you started. I suppose in this sort of sinario you're supposed to talk about your self and introduce yourself and all that jazz, well. . . I ams what I ams, I'm All around eclectic, Ultra-outgoing jokester artist/photographer/actor, that's rather shy but loves meeting new people, You know sometimes you get the best insights in life from total strangers, and some times you find out just how full of shit some people can be; the fun part is trying to tell the difference. My motto in life Is: "everyday's an adventure you just gotta know where to look", I'm odd, but generally good intentioned, (and I have references to back that...soo.....) How do you Explain yourself to a stranger... that really is a tough one, .... the eternal question the definition of ones self, I guess If I could answer this question I'd be ahead of the game, but I honestly don't think that anyone really knows what they're doing or the assumably easier question of who they are. (to quote Seinfield your doctor does'nt really even know what he's doing, "What does he need that litte office for, I guess He doesn't want people to see him look'n stuff up..'what the hell was that, Jeves grist that was kinda gross! I'm in big trouble here that wasn't the tube or the circle...'") . . . hmm back to point.... Is that the folly of the complexities of the human brain?
Ask a dog who it is, they know, a friend, a companion, a personal trainer, a burglar alarm, a personality test, a pillow, a mop, a dishwasher, a garbage disposal. They're not concerned with the nuances of sociatal interaction, and perhaps they're the better for it.
So maybe that's how Ill define myself for now, I'm cuddly, but some times I bite, I don't mean to it's just in my nature, (you don't yell at the trees for being taller then you)