Texture, Drum & Bass Pressure, Workingout, Traveling, h2o, snow, www.donotcall.gov, G&Ts, rollerblading, fartinginpublic, insomnia combat, computers, ipoding, Poser asshole hating, ears, video games, Shopping, Damning THE MAN, want to learn to surf, TheHouse that Lee built, clavicles, ears, foods I love and cant get enough of: thai, vietnamese, korean, indian, japanese, snowboarding, sneakers, rain on my head, people who are open musically especially digging on Jungle/DnB, mp3s, sex, sarcasm and dry humor, people watching, mini bananas and kiwi with the skin on(yea I eat it whole),
Hey yall! I am not looking for anything beyond some new genuine online/offline friends.(if possible) It doesn't matter if you are perfect, broken, near-perfect, dented, poor or rich either. I dont have the time to stop to think about anything beyond that right now! If you have a free minute come help me find out if I should?! Get with me and make me make the time. It doesnt matter where you lay ur arse down at night.(or what your arse smells like. I wont be around to smell it!) No matter how far or near. I wouldn't mind meeting you. Bring the SIGHTS, SOUNDS, IDEAS, or WHATEVER. JUST BRING THAT SHIET! BRING IT! I am waiting to hear all about it! DOESN"T EVEN MATTER IF YOU THINK I MAY NOT WANT TO HEAR ABOUT IT OR IT IS JUST TOO CRAZY A THING TO ASK A MONKEY. MOST LIKELY YOU ARE DEAD WRONG! OR IS THAT I AM JUST NOT right!?!(U wish) SENSE OF HUMOR AND SARCASM IS A MUST!!! ************************************************************ ****1. Strictly Rollers(AIM) 2.no1b4mutt(YAHOO)[email protected](MSN) Feel free to stop by. If you take the time to look. Cant hurt to say hello? I won't bite too hard the first time out. 3. Please know if I am taking the time to email you. It means that the interest is there! I took the time to read your profile and or checked out the websites, etc listed. So try to do the same. =) If not it's the TRAP DOOR for you!!! ' ' ' ' ' LIONS, TIGERS, BEARS, RAPTORS.....OHHHHHH!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!)
Jungle/Drum and Bass, need daily fix, Props --, LTJ Bukem, FABIO, Vishnu=Tryin to no be a CD FLAKE= www.bassdrive.com "Modern Vintage" 8pm-10pm est. Mondays. This is the listing for Vishnu's drum and bass internet radio show. You need to check it out, cause it's food for the soul... ..vish1208 if you want to talk to the CHEF himself. Here is his latest mix: ttp://www.touchandfeel.org/vishnu.mp3 (put it in your address field of IE or whatever and it will download-if it doesnt work let me know), Flight, London Elektricity, Calibre, High Contrast, Zinc, Nu Tone, Greg Packer, Blue Skin, Dilinga, Lemon D, Bailey, Marky, XRS, Odi, Reid Speed, Empress, UKG, Bhangra, Jazz(DAVIS, BIRD), Blues, House(Ill do it. Don't U know that), Rock(Zepp, Hends, Stones, Holly, )Ska, Punk, UG Rap(NoshittyBlingycrap-BLAH), Dr.Funkenstein please! Introduce me to some of what you like?
Burt Lancaster(RIP)Sidney Poitier, Morgan Freeman, Ray Liotta, (Tommy Verscetti), Shawshank Redemption, Lillies of the Field, Matrix, Braveheart, Muppet Movie/Show, LordsTrilogy, Shaw Bros/Spagetti Westerns.Anything where the poser asshole gets it in the end! TBC ************************************************************ **********TELEVISION: Not MTV, The Wire, American Chopper, Nature, Monster Garage, Tech TV, Animal Planet, ESPN, CNN, a great deal of what is on TLC, Discovery, Howard Stern, Nature, The All Hitler Channel(History Channel) and most important it helps me fall asleep.
I enjoy reading much more than this can indicate. One of my favorite smells is the smell of a new book. Old books not as much. But I will read them either way. But for some reason I tend to read a great deal when I am on vacation and it is usually in a voracious manner.(in 01 I did 31 in a span of 6 months) The biggest reason I tend to not read as much.(pc related things not included) Is when I do have a good one. I refuse to put it down. Sleep, food, phones, my laptop(i like my latop alot too), and sometimes bowel movements take a back seat. Sleep and I have always been on bad terms. So I tend to treasure what I do get. We are at an comfortable medium(for us anyway). But I am taking a couple months off and heading to Asia. So time to get stupid. So give me some suggestions. As with my musical tastes I am very wide open. BRING IT! Just as long as it SINGS....... BRING IT.