The arts, TRAVELING, walking my dog, painting outdoors, surfing, diving, boxing, fishing, Bikrams yoga, foreign languages. I am happy making others happy and doing anything outdoors or in another country. I think I may have been latin in a past life.
People interested in my work and are positive. Oh and if you like the Pittsburgh Steelers that scores some serious points.
Juliette and the Licks, Black Label Society, G-Love (thanks jules and Harun) La Oreja de VanGogh, Elephante, Mana, Carlos Montoya, Gilberto Gilo.....Anything latin or latin influenced and of course John Mellencamp yea it's wierd but I love that guy.
Kung -Fu, Caddy Shack,Better off dead, The Gods must be Crazy anything Pirates of the Carribean and much as I hate to admit it Dirty Dancing both of them!
Dont watch it, unless it is football season.
The seven spiritual laws of success by Deepek Choppra and The Pilgrimage and Alchemiest both by Paolo Choelo.
Anyone who is selfless. My pops he's not a hero but he's pretty damn cool.