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The Swade

Sometimes I feel that now is the time, sometimes my procrastination gets the best of me

About Me

"I use to see the greats doing this, but failed to realize that it was their downfall not their celebration."---"if it looks like a duck, its probably a duck, but if it quaks, its definatly a fucking duck."---"you gotta want it, thats the first step"---"Just because you can cuss and be loud does NOT mean you have a valid argument or even a fucking point"---"You should love yourself before you try to love another"---"Being Persistantly Ignorant doesnt make you right, just as convienently leaving out stuff doesnt make you honest"---"We all want attention, admit it or not, its just the means by which we take to get it that makes the difference"---"talking shit on-line is like racing in the special olimpics, even if you win, your still retarded"---"Stop thinking that its all about you, cuz its not, I assure you"---"Make up your mind because what is will not always be"---"The best way to become boring is to say everything"-Voltaire---"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power." -Abraham Lincoln Its your fault that it snows everyday So now its to cold for you to stay?

Your Score.. : a Ninja

You scored 10 Honor, 6 Justice, 3 Adventure, and 4 Individuality!

You are a soldier of the night. You rely on no more than your cunning and your repuation to strike fear in the hearts of lord and peasant alike. You've a sense of honor, but one that comes from within, not imposed from outside. Black clothes and shuriken for you. You're gonna do just fine.

.. --t--Link: The Cowboy-Ninja-Pirate-Knight Test written by fluffy71 on , home of the The Dating Persona Test.. --/t--
I got my layout at

My Interests

"I smoke, I drink, I suppose to stop, but I can't" I skate, I play guitar, I play darts, I shoot people with air soft guns, I drink beer, and I make fun of your mom. Thats about it. Oh and I am definatly interested in her: and her...mmmm, I love X-play, but mostly Morgan Webb.And the Lake....

I'd like to meet:

I love my friends and I do love people that are positive and supportive. I like to meet new people that can add something to the circle of bad ass friends I already have.Now something is off about this picture...What is it? LMFAO!
As seen on
As seen on



its a B&E!


Yea, I do that


I like god, its church that he has a problem with


Your Dad, He banged your mom before I did.

My Blog

OK this is bullshit!

Ya know, I personally believe that if you own land, you can do what you want on it.  Ofcoarse minus Texas Chainsaw Massacare stuff.  But, point is last week I was givin a warning about some ...
Posted by The Swade on Fri, 25 Jan 2008 03:57:00 PST

Hello? Opportunity?

Well, its finally happened.  FINALLY!  I got a phone interview with Techwood/TBS for a maintance engineering position.  This is a huge leap for me and is more than I expected.  I h...
Posted by The Swade on Fri, 25 Jan 2008 03:57:00 PST