I like to find photogenic girls who look good on camera and film them. Wait that came out wrong. Im a student at the Mel Hoppenheim school of Cinema (Concordia, film production) and my interests are writing, directing, photography, drinking, scoring ( I play soccer, thats what I meant you pervs.) getting angry is always fun and meeting interesting dames.
People, sure why not...
Yo jugar la Bass. Yo Baillar la Salsa. I like alot of different music, but because I play the bass its hard not to love funky music, where the bass is fat and sounds like sex. Frank Sinatra is my favorite singer. The police maybe my favorite band Im not sure, I like good music period.
Movies are everything to me. But i dont want to sound like those cocksuckers who are always talking about foreign movies and picking their asses with their own nose. I just love the business and everything about it. List of movies I like that I can think of now; Goodfellas, Raging Bull, Boogie Nights, Magnolia, Clerks, The original Super Man Series, Saturday Night Fever, Buffalo 66 etc.
Television is addictive and useless most of the time. The only shows that Ive ever gotten into were : The Wonder years, Boy meets world, Seindfeld, Sopranos, Curb your Enthusiasm and the Ali G show.
Non Fiction