I am into a lot of everything. I have many strange talents but if I told you about them, you wouldn't believe me. I have noticed that I can usually find something in common with everybody. Personally I am sort of an ad geek.Generally I love movies, music, going fast, making stuff...Partial Car enthusiast, I play poker, I am a Pop Culture Jukebox
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I like random things from here and there- British pop, classic rock. Jack, Muse, Queen, Incubus, du-wop & oldies- Chet Baker, and of course a lot of Beatles.
I dont know where to start... the Departed, Taxi Driver, Boondock Saints, Blow, Trainspotting, Casino, a Bronx Tale..... Amelie, Empire Records, Woody Allen movies, all Christopher Guest movies, BIlly Wilder- Sunset Blvd. Stuff like that
The State, Deadliest Catch, Rob & Big, Wondershowzen, Aqua teen, Family guy, Robot Chicken, MLB, WSOP
I have a small assortment. I read a lot of magazines and online articles.... what can I say I'm from the AIM generation :/
Don't be a name dropper, Quentin Tarantino told me that.