eye kandy profile picture

eye kandy

tAwk aLl u waNt..i dOnt Give a daMn!!!

About Me

Codes Provided By FreeCodeSource.comheY...dA naMEz aSiah!!!liVin iT uP in dA wOn && oNlee wAImanAlo,bAbii.. wEo yeA iM 14 yEas yOung..aNd i hAve a dOnkeY dAt loOkz eXactlY lIKe meeH!! yeA immA a tWin!! wEo im A frEshlAdiE aT kAilua hIgh...jUs tRyin tA leARn...i Am a cAring sIngO gurLie...yUp dASh rIte i nO mOA wOn man..kAn u bElIeVE it,Weo guYS if ya waNna halla at meEh u nO wea i sTAy!!!weoz dats it foa now and if yA goT ne sTupiD qUesTiOns YA wAnna asK..dEn leAve meEh a cOmmeNt!!! paYCe!!
About Me
Name aSiah foX
Nickname aJA
Birthday sUmdaii
Age old eNouGh
Height tAll dEn u
Hair Color brOwn
Eye Color bRown
Have You Ever
Fallen for your besfriend nOpe
Kissed someone who was just your friend yUppa
Been rejected yEA
Been in love idk
Used someone mAybe
Cheated on someone nOpe
Been cheated on idk
Done something you regret manY
Do you ...
Color your hair yEA
Have tattos nO
If so how many ....
Have any peircings yEa
If so how many pleNny
Have a bf/gf maybe
Like thunderstorms nO
Ever get off the damn computer da!!! waT a dUmb quEstion
Have you/Do you have...
Considered a life of crime maYbe
Considered being a hooker nO
Coneidered being a pimp yEA
Split personalities nOpe
Obsessions ahhh
Panic nO
Anxiety ahhh
Depression/Considered suicid nO
Right now..
Current clothes sUmthIn
Current mood :p
Current hair bEautiFul
Current music pImpin aLl dA worLd
Current annoyance u
Current perfume/cologne sUmthiN gewD
Current thing you should be doing .....
Current crush sUmbAdi
Drink suMthin
Color ummmm......pink
Candy shUgA
Tv Show mtV
Movie cIndereLLA
Place beaCh
Person to talk to u
Do your perfer..
McDonalds or Burger King jAcks
Marry the Perfect Lover or the perfect friend ummmm
Root Beer or Dr Pepper pEpsi
Sunshine or Rain sUnny
Spring or Fall sPring
Winter or Summer sUmmah
Vanilla or Chocolate vanilla
Snowboarding or Sking nEda
Lights on or Off oFF...
Are you...
Understanding yEa
Open Minded umm yEA
Bad Tempered nO...
Happy aLL da tYme
Attractive yEs
Bored Easily nO
Sad sUmtymES
Unique YES
What do you like in a Girl/ Boy .....
Eyes pREtty
Hair color cOOl
Long or short hair sHort
Hieght talLA den meeH
Body Type iN shape
Personality cooLie-o
How would you describe yourself beAutifuLL
Do you have any Pets? yeA
Have any syblings? yeS
What do you want to be when you grow up? a qUEEn
Do you wanna get married and have kids? yeA
What is your best physical Trait? erethang
What is the best thing about your personality? KOOL
What words do you overuse FUCK U
Whats the most annoying thing about you idk
End this survey with a quote FUCK U

My Interests

im mAinly inTo deM dEAdly bOis...anD dASh bOut it!!!

adopt your own virtual pet!

I'd like to meet:


adopt your own virtual pet! bs.com/adopt/"adopt your own virtual pet!


uM i dUnno i lYke ta mAkeout..nO wAtchin dUrin dA movIe!!


Basically MTv, adult swim and lost and invasion and prison break


Mai mom