pretty much just shredding the gnar and mellowing your harsh.
feathers. deer. decorating.
the history and obsession of collecting and collectors
my friends.
people who i already know.
Hey, we're not makin' art here, we're just havin' FUN.
anything that sounds like
it was made with the intention
of becoming a karaoke number or should be
accompanied by sparkling showgirls with
feathers and wolf heads with a horse main.
any bands that let me infiltrate their set
or play with them in my basement.
i was once told in an elevator,
and then by a troupe of finnish folk stars
that i look like the sisters from cocorosie.
I have the same birthday as Stevie Nicks,
SO, naturally i love fleetwood mac
and i love the mix you made me.
but really I only listen to Kate Bush. All Kate, all the time.