Spending time with my friends, exploring abandoned buildings, looking at art, Philadelphia Flyers, St. Louis Blues, making and drinking beer/wine, working on cars/motorcycles, going to clubs, laughing at bible-bangers, fighting people with sharp pointy objects, fighting people with not-so pointy objects, working on computers,I guess thats enough for now.
Anyone who shares at least some of the same interests as me. Feel free to contact me on AIM as "HoD Cerebrus". If you are promoting your webcam, ladies.. exclude me.. I am NOT interested AT ALL. If you would like to be my friend, please leave me a note as to why you think we should be friends. I don't normally just accept friends requests.
You name it, I probably listen to it.. As long as it stirs some kind of emotion in me.. I will generally like it. You can usually tell what kind of mood I am in by what I am listening to.. so listen close and stay away if it is some hardcore deathmetal.
Pirates of the Caribbean 1 and 2, Indiana Jones, Puppet Master series, Goonies, AvP, Dr. Strangelove, Clockwork Orange, Star Wars, James Bond, Little Trouble in Big China, Clerks, The Wall.. and a bunch more I can't think of off the top of my head.
Big Love, Deadwood, Rome, Sopranos, Lucky Louie, That 70's Show, Adult Swim, Ghost Hunters.. (Actually, anything dealing with Paranormal), I like the History Channel, MythBusters, and Good Eats.
Time Enough for Love, Neuromancer, Necroscope series, Terry Brooks, Brian Ludlum, Heinlein, R.A. Salvatore, William Gibson.
My father (god rest his soul), and mother for their perserverance and dedication.