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you never know what your gonna know:)

About Me

MY name is AMY NOEL SOKOLOWSKI. I love to snowboard, moutain bike, run, do yoga, and spend time with friends and my family. I moved out to Breckenridge 3 years ago and love it. My sister kinda saved me by letting me live with her is such a great town. I love it here and have learned so far family and good friends are all that matter and to make everyday count because life can be gone before you know. Appreciate good times. fashion layout @ HOT

My Interests

yoga, running, working out, mountain biking, snowboarding, swimming, skiing, sliding water falls, climbing and riding mountains. Layouts CT Tables Graphics Quizzes Polls Surveys Layouts CT Tables Graphics Quizzes Polls Surveys

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THE CURE**,The BEatles,Eliot Smith, Pearl Jam, New Found Glory, Violent Femmes, Janes Addiction, Snow Patrol, G Love, AFI, Goo Goo Dolls, Jurassic 5, A Tribe Called Quest,Nirvana, Bob Marley, Rusted Root,Matt Costa, Led Zepplin, Cake, Dashboard Confessionals, 311, Sublime, Lifehouse,Beth orthon, norah jones, coldplay, u2, Stone Temple Pilots, Ben Harper, 10,ooo Maniacs,Natalie Merchant, Greenday, Ani Defranco, Smashing Punpkins, Pearl Jam, Radioheads, Janes Addiction, Bad Rligion, The Decendents, Afi, The Sounds, David Grey, Rufio,James taylor, Cat Stevens, Stevie Nicks, JACK JOHNSON, Fleetwood mac, , America, Gin Blossoms,CITIZEN HOPE, Cat STevens, Alanis Morrsett. Finch, The Used. Gin Blossoms, The Doors. Bob Dylan, ,Matt Costa. Dave Matthews, The Cars, Pennywise, Brand New, Donovan