Art Books, Photography Books, Photography, Books, Pitbulls, Pit Bulls, American Pit Bull Terriers, Non-Fiction, Dogs, Animals, Music, Etc.
People, Art, Books, Art Books, Photography, Pitbulls, Pit Bulls, American Pit Bull Terriers, Non-Fiction, Dogs, Film, Music.
Not really.
A Million Little Pieces by James Frey, My Friend Leonard by James Frey, Fortress of Solitude by Jonathan Lethem, Motherless Brooklyn by Jonathan Lethem, Happy Baby by Stephen Elliott, My Girlfriend Comes to the City and Beats Me Up by Stephen Elliott, The Memory Theater Burned by Damon Krukowski, Mallet Eyes by Jeremy Sigler, The Melancholy of Anatomy by Shelley Jackson, Half Life by Shelley Jackson, Collection Diary by Bob Nickas, The Psychic Soviet by Ian F. Svenonius, Cool For You by Eileen Myles, Okay Okay Okay by Mike Slack, anything by Lydia Davis, anything by Nick Tosches. AMERICAN PITBULL by Marc Joseph.
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