Anu profile picture


Aveda conditioner just changed my life.

About Me

I had to answer a bunch of questions about myself, staccato style, for a class:I look forward to visiting the dentist. I love food but can't stand when my cooking doesn't follow with a strong reaction; it's like having a bad performance. I am eternally thankful for music. I am deathly afraid of birds. I love children and take pictures of them for a living. When asked what I wanted to be when I grew up, I'd say "Willow Bay"-She co-hosted NBA Inside Stuff with Ahmad Rashad, and was the only female sports correspondent who didn't wear shoulder pads. I have had problems sleeping through the night since I was 12. I can't finish Gandhi's autobiography because it makes me feel too much. Anthony Hamilton makes me happy. I color my hair at least once a month. I edit everything I write. I am weak to earrings, lip gloss, and fashion...however I'm not high maintenence. I just started listening to A Tribe Called Quest (i know). Booger picking makes me wanna puke. I am trying to lead a more healthy lifestyle. My sister makes life worth living, we still hold hands. My daddy has had more influence on my life than anyone, incredible man. During a crazy immigrant mother daughter fight in high school, I retorted with "And you're not even proud of me". My mummy responded with, "How could I not be, you don't even have any cavities". Maybe that's why I like the dentist so much...but don't get it twisted, I aint no punk.
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|All The Cool Kids Will Be Here |

My Interests

Get Your Own! | View SlideshowFood (Creating AND Consuming) Music, India, Health, Wifebeaters (the shirts, not the assholes), Q-Tips, Dance, Youth (especially the brown kind), Painting, Traveling, writing and reciting spoken word poetry, changing the world, politics, cosmetology, and grapefruits

I'd like to meet:

People who aren't creepy...or at least too creepy...or those that feel they can justify Nelly or Ashanti winning Grammy awards.Get Your Own! | View Slideshow


Anthony friggin Hamilton, Camp Lo, Blackstar, Raphael Saadiq, Dungeon Family, POS, MJ, Common, Prince, D'Angelo, Big Pun, Temptations,Jill Scott, Lauryn Hill,Brandy, R. Kelly, Outkast, Missy's beats, Santana, Hendrix, old Jon B, Alicia Keys, India Arie, Musiq, Donell Jones, Maxwell, Angie Stone, Floetry, Big, Brian McKnight, Bob & Damian Marley, Al Green, Beyonce, Stevie Wonder, Evanescense, John Mayer, Maroon 5, Green Day, 8Ball & MJG, reggaeton, Tribe Called Quest, old Bone, DJ Honda....Minneapolis rappity rap,my dad singin in the morning while his teaspoon clinks in his two and a half cups of coffee.


Life is Beautiful, Annie, The Sandlot, American Beauty, The Joy Luck Club, Requiem For a Dream, The Wood, Scarface, Malcolm X, Jackass, The Nutty Professor, Monster's Inc, Braveheart, Kill Bill


Grey's freakin Anatomy,Cosby Show, Fresh Prince, Seinfeld, Oprah, Will & Grace, Midnight Love, Simpsons, Family Guy


I was an English major, I am a nerd. Anything written by Amy Tan, A Fine Balance, The Bluest Eye, Cracking India, Angela's Ashes, Like Water for Chocolate, Romeo & Juliet, Their Eyes Were Watching God, Assata, Swerve, Memoirs of a Geisha, Aloud, Suheir Hammed, Saul Williams...a lot of poetry, Indian, Afro American lit, autobiographies, stuff on feminism...InStyle magazine, my horoscope, the Taste section on Thursdays.


Kids smiling in the 3rd world. Gandhiji. Mummy & Daddy.

My Blog

The width between vanity and morale...

Just off 35, drivin down parkway A white shimmer streaks across the midnight sky. A shooting star. The space between my sternum and heart has never felt so wide. Romantic instinct makes me want 2 us...
Posted by Anu on Tue, 21 Feb 2006 11:33:00 PST

love for a 2nd cousin I dunno...

       I've been cooking all day with my mother, and she let me in on a scary experience that my 2nd cousin recently went through. My cousin is about 12 years old, was wa...
Posted by Anu on Wed, 21 Dec 2005 12:03:00 PST