Hey, I'm Shane... What can I say, I work in Showcase Cinemas as a stock admin, I tend to say the wrong things at the wrong times, I am a fond believer of nice guys finish last and life is pretty sweet at the moment... Anyway here's some of my loves, hates and misses:
I love my "re-birth" of the Ancient Egyptian religion Amun-Ra :p, Brunettes or Redheads (Apart from a few people I hate), Rants, 55 Cathays Terrace, My friends, the word 'oosh', Airsoft skirmishing, Drums, Jamming/Fighting with Jarryd, Music, Gundam Wing, Devin Townsend, Festivals, Jagrmeister, Showers, Hayley Williams from Paramore, Sha'uri from Stargate, Films, Merv's Bar (Est 2007), Reading good books, Flying, Going on holiday, Club Liquid, Little dogs, Ebay, All manner of reptiles, Hedgehogs, Hugs and Birds in my garden.
I hate being ignored, Being lied to, Being let down, PETA, Food, Vodka, Scene kids and the music in general, The smelly guy in Caerphilly, My life in general, Not having a shower in the morning, Public transport, Swansea, Birmingham, Mike Webbster, Johnsy, Robyn, Jamie McDonald, Overly chav people, Big dogs, Horses, Cows, MOTHS!, Showcase Cinemas colour scheme and Religious supression.
I miss Charlotte, The 90's, My social life, Year 10/11, Jarryd, Chill, Daley, Liz, Copey, Ceri, Joey, Kevin Fosbury, Laura Perry, My school, Download Festival, My money, More friends...Jonny Hiles 1988-2007... Never forgotten...
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