(X_x) FaBio (o_O) profile picture

(X_x) FaBio (o_O)

trust me!

About Me

Before everything feed ViCiuS !!! ...Yeah...whatever...i LiKe eLeCTRo / RoCk!!!.!!!!.----------------LiKe MuSiC, LiKe DaNCe, LiKe SMiLe, LiKe MaNGa/aNiMe, LiKe DRiNK, LiKe ReaD, LiKe YoGa.... Spontaneous, VeGeTaRiaN and open mind person...
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I made my myspace layout using Pimp-My-Profile.com

My Interests

**********************************************************Ro oock, Rooooooock electroooooooo... jajajaa, poncharme por ahí! jijiji Which boy from the village of Konoha are you? (Naruto)
You are Rock Lee! Honest and kind, though kind of naive, you are quite a loveable pupil! You are very hardworking, and are willing to push your limits to the max to reach a goal. Also, you are enthusiastic and energetic. OK, maybe a little TOO enthusiastic and energetic. But that's alright, right?
Take this quiz !

Quizilla | Join| Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code-------------------------------------------------------- --- Mi DePoRTe FaVoRiTo...eL RoCK!!!!.................................................... .....TerTuLiAr, CHoNTaDuRo, MeDiTaCioN. eLeCTRoNiC aND JaPaNeSe CuLTuRe

I'd like to meet:

YouR MoTHeR CaLViN aND HoBBeS FaN....! THaT GirL..!


RoCK/PuNk/eLeCTRo JuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaSSSSSSSSSS Electro/FuNk/iNDie/rock music!!!....CaLi tiene la mejor musica, La Fabrica, Blunt, Super Litio, Cielo Rojo, TRasnporTe...la salsa, de esa ke es puro titico titico jajaja... en fin...n_n .... STeReoLaB, Groove Armada, **MyLo**, OrbytaL,My Chemical Romance,BLuR, MaCHiNeS oF LoViNG GRaCe, UnderWorLd, FaiThLeSS,Foo FighTerS .. .. .. .. .. .. Blur,**The chemical Brothers**, The prodigy, ::**SMaSHiNG PuMPKiNS***::, Bjork, Moby, DAFT PUNK, Portishead, U2,Moloko, PauL Oakenfold, FatBoySLim,Cold Play, Placebo, Creed, Telepop Musik, Modjo , PeaRL JaM, Incubus, Basement Jaxx, Enigma, Depeche Mode, Red Hot Chilli Pepers,Jamiroquai, SoDa, HeRoeS, FiTooooo, ATeRCioPeLaDoS...los grupos rockeros de CaLi y pues Mi inevitable herencia calena... la salsa!!...................................................


.. ... ... ... *** .. ... ... ... ... ... ... Luck Besson, Tarantino, Tim Burton, and others.....


MuSiC vIdEoS, nAtIoNaL GeOgRaPhIc, DiScOvErY, wArNeR, SoNy


Sidharta, Lobo Estepario, Por quien doblan las campanas, El amor en los tiempos del colera, The Fountainhead


HaTaKe KaKaShI

My Blog

eL dulce sabor de una mujer exquisita

Hola hola a tod@s encontré esto por ahi... pronto una versión en ingles Una mujer exquisita no es aquella que más hombres tiene a sus pies,si no aquella que tiene uno solo que la hace realmente feliz...
Posted by (X_x) FaBio (o_O) on Thu, 31 May 2007 05:45:00 PST

every day is a battle

it's hard to wait around for something....you know might never happen....but it's even harder to give up...when it's all you ever wanted... every day is a battle...!!! Bye bye! n_n...
Posted by (X_x) FaBio (o_O) on Wed, 21 Mar 2007 09:06:00 PST

MueRTe LeNTa

"Muere lentamente quien no viaja, quien no lee, Muere lentamente quien destruye su amor propio; quien no se deja ayudar. Muere lentamente quien se transforma en esclavo del habito, repitiendo todos lo...
Posted by (X_x) FaBio (o_O) on Sat, 18 Mar 2006 10:38:00 PST