☆☠☆iMþo§§ißLê tÕ ƒo®GEt Hã®d tO Rà profile picture

☆☠☆iMþo§§ißLê tÕ Æ’o®GEt Hã®d tO RÃ

I am here for Friends

About Me

THE NAME'S SANDY----REMEMBER IT FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE!!----I am afraid to get involved...I am very indecisive...I date then undate...I want then dont want...I hate predictablity...I love mystery...It's what keeps me going...Its something about not knowing what to look forward to...does that even make sense...but on the flipside I hate surprises...I need to laugh and smile on an every day basis...I also have the need to be needed...I make mistakes and fail freely...but I dont view them as failures...more like opportunities...I learn from them...I like to surround myself with beautiful people that can offer me as much or even more than I can offer them...Im confident with myself...I know how to have a good time and Im not afraid of taking risks....I live and party for the present but always with a watchful eye for my future...I'm extremely extroverted and energetic...I very much enjoy going out but Im also content with chilling at home with someone by my side...I have some of the most sincere family and friends that tell me how it is...I love the feeling of being in love and being loved...Im very competitive and I like taking charge...Im very picky with the food I eat...the friends I have and the people I date...I am more pickier then the Marines, the Marines are looking for "A few good men" I am looking for just "ONE"..I get bored easily...I have many dreams and goals that I havent shared...but will accomplish...I love being me.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Jesus(but not quite yet!!),The Man Of My Choice,a couple of favorite celbrities & reality stars(sometime in this life time!!).Joey from mtv's the real world hollywood b/c he has a beautiful smile, and gorgeous big brown come seduce me eyes..Come on girls, what girl could resist a BAD BOY???


??anYthiNG thAT maKEs me Feel GOOD, MaKeS mE WanNa DanCe n BriNGs PlEAsure to My EaRS??


My favorite foreign film is...
Run, Lola, Run My favorite movie of all time is..
Dirty Dancing (Collector's Edition)


Anything I can watch on vcast on my chocolat red verizon cellphone!! yay!!


I ♥ to read. I ♥ anything written by Steven King!! I am currently reading The Purpose-driven Life:What on Earth Am I Here For?


♥My mom♥

My Blog

Everybody does this duh!!!

1. Who are you?2. Are we friends?3. When and how did we meet?4. How have I affected you?5. What do you think of me?6. What's the fondest memory you have of me?7. How long do you think we will be frien...
Posted by  iMþo§§ißLê tÕ ’o®GEt Hã®d tO RèMemßèR  on Thu, 06 Sep 2007 03:33:00 PST

Sandy's 100 Qualities She Is Looking for in her future husband...

1.        Mentally and physically strong. (My protector) 2.        Intellectually stimulating to me and is very intelligent. 3.&n...
Posted by  iMþo§§ißLê tÕ ’o®GEt Hã®d tO RèMemßèR  on Thu, 15 May 2008 02:09:00 PST

you and your MUSEUM OF LOVERS...

Hey, what's up guys and gals?!? Thank you very much for taking the time to read my blog. I appreciate you for doing so. Read it carefully word-for-word. Let it sink in, and let me know ...
Posted by  iMþo§§ißLê tÕ ’o®GEt Hã®d tO RèMemßèR  on Wed, 26 Oct 2005 11:05:00 PST