amy from the block profile picture

amy from the block

i've got my best shoes on, i'm ready to go.

About Me

I’m a fall baby, and it’s my favorite season. I love spending time with friends, having long conversations over tall bottles of wine in restaurants I can’t afford. I love taking the train through the countryside and riding in cars, especially my boyfriend’s hot sporty one. My favorite thing to do at home is play internet mah jong while bumpin underground hip-hop from my crappy computer speakers. I talk to animals, and to myself. I’ve found the love of my life on the other side of the world. I dance on my own in my room. I think thunderstorms are romantic, and dream like I’m watching TV. I read more than I write, even though I am a writer. I’ve moved house once a year for the past ten, and am finally looking forward to settling down. I can’t wait till we get the Republican’s out of power so people will stop giving me dirty looks abroad when they find out I’m American. At one point I was thinking of defecting, but now I’d rather stay and fight.

My Interests

sunny rain, windy streets, finding wonder in the mundane, writing silly thoughts in my journal, staring at ppl on BART, wasting time, being late, waking up early, drinking soy milk, library books, cuddling, laughing, recycling, fireworks, snowball fights, all-cross intersections, playing mahjong, cleaning the apartment, planning holidays, yoga, jogging, studying different cultures, discovering new bands, exploring wikipedia, browsing, missing London, lucid dreaming, writing stories, reading anything, eating fresh vegetables, taking vitamins, up and coming democrats, socialists, netflix, tombraider, mario kart, soulcaliber, ikea, the Sacramento kings when they're winning, traveling to new places and photographing the local graffiti, making mixtapes for friends, dancing, warm baths, jaywalking, the back of the bus, science, space, my cat, my boyfriend.

I'd like to meet:

readers, writers, people who like to go to plays and concerts, people with cars, graffiti writers, photographers, graphic designers and sketch/animation artists to work with creatively.


Recently keeping me company on BART and in the windy streets: Zola, Gotan Project, Regina Spektor, Damian Marley, J5, Massive Attack, Zero 7, Rodrigo y Gabriela, Nina Simone, Tom Waits, Gym Class Heroes, Confessions on a Dancefloor


Vertigo, Lilya-4-Eva, The Queen, Stranger than Fiction, Four Eyed Monsters (YouTube), Fur: An Imaginary portrait of Diane Arbus, Grey Gardens, Pan's Labrinyth,


Recently netflixed Weeds 1st season and it's awesome. I also sometimes watch Daily Show skits on On vacations I like to stay in the hotel and watch non-stop Discovery/History/Public Arts channel.


Currently Reading: Malcolm X Autobiography. Recently finished: Cat's Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut, 1984 by George Orwell. Most recent book purchased: Tipping the Velvet by Sarah Waters. Newest discovered author I'm excited about: Peter Plate and his quadrant of novels set in San Francisco's Mission district involving squatters and cops. Best book I've read so far this year: Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier


hilary v obama. may the best dem win.oh and big ups to Nancy Pelosi.

My Blog

Dear Dolores Drivers,

Please stop trying to run me down at the intersection of Dolores and 21st. I'm a nice girl, really. Your job will still be there waiting for you at 9:05. Still waiting even at 9:15. I know you love th...
Posted by amy from the block on Sat, 10 Feb 2007 10:35:00 PST

Dislikes (so much more fun):

Blockbuster films, Dan Brown, Oprah's Book Club, sour cream, mayonaise, eggs, dogs, racism, self-righteousness, close-mindedness, Republicans, the death penalty, spit on the sidewalk, wind, chic-lit, ...
Posted by amy from the block on Sun, 26 Feb 2006 10:24:00 PST

Least understood Olympic sport: Curling

Have you been watching this? Clearly invented by a troop of seriously stoned janitors working the late shift at George Washington High, it's one part bowling nine parts floor polishing. I mean, c'mon ...
Posted by amy from the block on Thu, 16 Feb 2006 07:53:00 PST