Josh profile picture


Josh Ellis: frisbee owner

About Me

This will be short. I don't really like to talk about myself that much. All I can even think to say is that I am a junior theatre major at Tarleton State University, Stepheville, TX. What else can I really say about myself? I'd like to think that I'm a fairley decent guy. I have my flaws, but who doesn't? I'm sure I could have done some things different in my past to make things better for me right now. But I haven't done anything I regret. Well, a few things, well, most of the things I have ever done I regret. I'm also sure I could be doing things now to improve my future. But it's not like I'm lazy. I mean, hey, who doesn't like to just sit there for about five hours a day, and lay there for a few more hours? I'm not the only one who does that, am I!? Am I!? I didn't think so! And it's not like any of the things I do, "actions" if you will, are so negative that they will affect me negatively down the road. In fact, didn't someone once say that, "for every action there is an equal but opposite reaction"? Which means that every "bad action" I do now is only going to result in a "good REaction"...and not only that, but if the reaction is equal, then the worse my "bad actions" are, the better my "good REactions" will be. In short, there's really nothing I can think to say about myself.

My Interests

Acting, sewing, buildin' shit, filling out surveys about my interests, writing, drawing, listening to people and finally, reading...

I'd like to meet:

Charlie Kaufman, Regina Spektor, Conan O'Brian, Zach Galiafanakis...


Badly Drawn Boy, Regina Spektor, James Blunt, and most other things


Anything by Charlie Kaufman, and most other doesn't take TOO much to amuse me.


Futurama, Blow Out...that's about it...I don't watch too much TV, and I like commercials more than I do citcoms.


"Everything is Illuminated", "Catcher in the Rye", "Franny and Zooie", "Costume Technician's Handbook"


My parents, Richard Denning, Mark Holtorf, Laura Wolfe...

My Blog

out of place

I'm bored, and hot...and lonely and feel useless and bad and meaningless and mortal and insignificant and i get in the way all the time, like i'm never there for people, like when i try t...
Posted by Josh on Fri, 25 Jan 2008 03:57:00 PST