Jaymes profile picture


just being in the same room as you, makes me want to get high, so i can forget you

About Me

im jaymes. i live out in pecatonica. i work alot. im an assistant engineer. im a basketball coach, its fun stuff. i love the white sox, the packers. but i hate the bears and the cubs. i did the whole football basketball and baseball thing in high school but not anymore. my back is fucked up and i blew out my knee senior year baseball. i still play basketball but not competitively because of my back, that is why i am coaching now, i love playing softball in the summer. its a good time. and i like to snowboard, but i always manage to hurt my back, last time i wen't i lost my cell phone to so im done for the winter. i go to rock valley, im in my 4th semester, 1 left after this and im out with an Associates Degree in Building Construction Technology. i want to get a 2nd Associates after that, prabably in Design Technology, but we'll see about that. i don't know what else you wana hear so hit me up if ya got ne questions, -out
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My Interests

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sports: football, basketball, baseball, softball. alot of other things. i just don't feel like listing them. if you know me then you know what im interested in

I'd like to meet:

brett favre who is the best quarterback ever, ozzy guillen who is the best manager ever, koby bryant, lebron james, will smith who is the best actor ever, and of course i want to meet kendra from girls next door. lol


rock rap country. breaking benjamin is the shit! so is lil wayne, and who doesn't like some brad paisley.


anything basically, just as long as i don't have to sit and read subtitles


family guy, king of the hill, southpark, drawn together, simpson, that 70's show, futerama, cartoons are the shit anything on ESPN will make me happy, once in awhile i'll watch MTV


my grandfather

My Blog


The 1st kind of sex is called: Smurf Sex. This kind of sex happens when you first meet someone and you both have sex until you are blue in the face.The 2nd kind of sex is called: Kitchen Sex. This is ...
Posted by Jaymes on Fri, 10 Nov 2006 07:41:00 PST

...at least

so the 2006 baseball regular season is over now. and unfortunatly the sox didn't make it.   BUT AT LEAST THE CUBS HAD THE WORST FUCKIN RECORD IN THE LEAGUE!!!  so it wasn't all bad...
Posted by Jaymes on Tue, 03 Oct 2006 08:50:00 PST