Goin down to the beach , partys and hanging wit all my mates
MySpace Ticker Lyrics
WhAt Is YoUr NaMe? DoMiNiC
WhEn wHeRe YoU boRn? 1st Of SePtEmBeR 1989
WhErE WHeRe YoU BorN? ScOtLaNd, AbErdEEn
CuRrEnT LoCaTiON? AuStrALiA, mORrisSet
EyE CoLoUr? LiGhT bLuE
HaIr cOLoUr? BrOwN
WhErE Do YoU WoRk? MacCaz aNd TiCkETeK
BeSt PhsIcaL FeAtuRe? eYeS
FaVoUrItE pIZzA? ChIcKeN
yOUr WeAknEss? ChIcKs cRyInG
YoUr FeAr? sHaRkS
FaVoUrItE SoFt DrInK? cOKe
Do YoU dRiNk? YeS
Do YoU sMoKe? YeS
Do YoU hAvE aNy TaTtOoS? yEs I hAvE 2
dO yOu haVe aNy PiErCiNg? YeS, My ToUnGe
YoUr GoAL iN LiFe? tO MaKe ThE mOsT oF iT... liFe iS to ShOrT!
Me!CoMmEnt Me?
Usher's New Song
And Video! :P
All Techno! Usher Akon Bubba Sparxx Caira Justin 50cent Pretty Ricky Omarion Nelly Chris Brown Snoop-Dogg Ludacris The Kill Panic At The Disco
Shrek, American Pie, Scary Movie, Along Came Polly, Pirates Of The Carribean, 50 Frist Dates, Cold Mountain, K-Pax, Lord Of The Rings, Harry Potter, The Exercist,Anger Managment, MrDeeds, School Of Rock, Zoolander, Aliens, Sorority Boys, The Ring, Blue Crush, War Games, Just Married, Gostbusters, The Terminator, Hot Chick, The Scorpian King, Ice Age, Finding Nemo, Panic Room, The Others, Die Hard, Mission Impossible, James Bond, The Mask, Minority Report, Mrs Doutfire, The Day After Tomorrow, The Mothman Prophcies, Saving Private Ryan, My Big Far Greek Wedding, The Sum Of All fears, Jaws, Thats All I Can Think Of...
Family Guy
Big Brother
The Simpsons
The OC!
The Office
Americn Dad
Dr 90201 (plastic surgery)
MySpace Avatars
Create a Lava Lamp
shAnNOn .. da GreAteSt!
LeAh .. U mEan dA WoRld 2 mE!
PaiGe .. ALwAyS pICk ME Up wHEn Im dOwN! :)
LeAh BrAnsTeR .. aLwAyS Up To No GoOd, WhetHeR Is fEeDiNg ThE mEnTaL PaTiAnTs aT tHe hOsPiTaL oR WhEtHeR wE ArE iN tOwN, LoVe yOu LoTs XoXo :P
tEneLLe .. WhAt MoRe cAn i SaY, sHeS tHe bEsT ThIng tHaTs HaPpEnEd iN mY LiFe, LoVe hEr!
AsH kIngStOn .. hOtTeSt PiEcE Of AsS I kNo, U aRe sOmEtHiNg SpEcIaL To mE, LoVe yOu aNd aLwAyS WiLL
PaNhEaD .. So PrOuD Of YoUr M-Cing, KeEp Up ThE GoOd WoRk, U wiLL bE bIg oNe dAy! U LiVe fOr rAvEs...
JoSh .. DuDe...Ur A LeDgEnd...MaKe mE LaUgH 24/7... u WiLL aLwAyS bE My StUbBiE ToE
BiLLiBy .. U mAy bE a TwIN, bUt i LovE YoU! LoL, OnE biLLiBy iS aLwAyS ThErE FoR AnOtHer biLLiBy
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