Lik to learn all kinds of instrument!!! haha!! HopE i Can ComplEtE My GuItaR coS!! REaLLy LIk A lot!! Err have a liking for ChinesE PoEtry and NovEls
Eh AnyOne hu iS sinCere EnouGH to Be FriENd!!! HaHa!!!
Haha cHinEse POp, BluEs, JaZZ, and bah bah bah... oTher Than Tat OsO hoPe my KeyBoard LeSSON Will Be SmooTH
haha favourite is HarrY PottEr, eh Lord Of The Ring not BaD...
AlMost anY thiNgs in ChinesE i wIll reaD, PoliTicalS, HistOry, Eh MartiaL arT, HealtH Bah bah bah