Lifting weights (natural bodybuilding and strongman), martial arts, recovery from addiction, helping others, military, politics, current events, crimminal justice, and thrills.
I'd like to meet:
New friends, old friends, and cool down to earth people who enjoy life. Female bodybuilders are definitely welcome too, I am definitely a huge fan of female bodybuilding.
I listen to a little of everything.
Gladiator, Patriot, Saw, Antwon Fisher,Fight Club, The Departed,and any movie that makes me think, and any movie that makes me laugh really hard.
Real Time with Bill Maher, Gangland, Discovery channel, Military channel, History channel, and comedy central.
Any Books that discuss spirituality, bodybuilding, self-improvement, or recovery. "A Time To Lead" by Wes Clark. I enjoyed the book "Get Big" by Skip Lacour, and I did read the book "Double Your Dating" and that was very interesting. I have also got into graphic novels as well.
Pat Tillman, Wes Clark, Skip Lacour, Jeff Willet, Leas Cambell, Rober Stahl, My grandsponsor Richard (you passed way before your time and I will miss ya gramps), Martin Luther King, Dwight D Eisenhower, and of course me mum!