Izwan profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Highly unstable. Minor personality dissociation problem with a touch of schizophrenia. Appears very outgoing and sometimes appears a just a little too happy to be mentally stable. Inside...who knows? (Certainly not me! Alright, maybe I do know a little bit. I am...actually an introvert? Has dificullty expressing emotions with words but people can guess from the look on my face? Unpredictable? Or perhaps just eccentric?)

My Interests

Computer games, Novels (Both male n female authors. I like comparing their writing style.) Talking when I'm in the mood. Bottling down my feelings; it takes a lot of discipline and comes with a sense of achievement, Honest!

I'd like to meet:

Friendly, honest individuals that can tell me what they really think of me. Non pretentious. Seriously, I've had enough dosage of pretentious person(s?) in the last few months to last me a lifetime.


Surprise, surprise! Mariah Carey, Guns n Roses, Metallica, Weezer, Utada Hikaru, music themes from Grandia 2. Weird, huh? There's more but I can't remember rite now.


The Rock (Sean Connery, Nicolas Cage NOT the wrestler) for the music. MI:2 for the action sequence. Any Tom Clancy novel-based movie for the self-gratification they give me. Jerry Maguire for unknown reasons. South Park for obvious reasons.


Comedies mostly... good tranquilizer to release all the pent-up anger or frustration.


All novels that I can get my hands on alhtough my particular favourite would be those by Kevin J. Anderson, Tom Clancy and Catherine Cookson. I may hesitate a little on novels that are..well..romantic in nature. Dunno why. Oh, I usually prefer novels that have other inter-related novels in a series. I do read some 'heavy' materials but I'll have to digest them slowly. Oh, and I always read comic books.


Bill Gates...............alright I'm just kidding. None actually, unless u count Spiderman or Iron Man in there

My Blog

Finals comin up!

Whew looks like its the end of being busy for a while. Going to take it easy and study calmly at night instead of having to keep pace with everything. Yay! Study week. Oh, and for those who are going ...
Posted by Izwan on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

New Year? No meaning there.

Suddenly feels depressed. And its a weekend too. Wonder why? Haha maybe its because of all the SMS pouring into my phone saying that doomsday is near (BECAUSE OF THE TSUNAMI?). Hmm..no comment there. ...
Posted by Izwan on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Hmph, been thinking of doing it for some time(out of curiousity), managed to put it off for quite some more time (out of being busy + a pinch of laziness). But at least this is a start. I don't really...
Posted by Izwan on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST