mE aR..veRy oRdinAry lO..-=tEmpErmEntAl=--=lAugH alOt=--=bRown eyE=--=likE to eaT=--=l0ve sHopPing=--=surf nEt=--=chAt wiF mY frEnz=--=bUying tHings whEn i haV mOney=- heHe
My Interests
wAtch mOviEs n tv, listEn to mUsiC, sLp, eAt, lUfF
I'd like to meet:
aNyOne wHo wAnnA mEet mE =D
aNy taT plEase mY eaR..dIslIke thOse loud mUsiC [makE mE hEadAchE] =P