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About Me

The courageous mind slowly takes time to rebuild what she has forgotten Retracing her steps through all the events that have made her deeply softened And if it is wise then take your time and rewind through the depth of intellect Slowly seeking what you lost through the years that were marked insufficient Aspiration of self renovation, wanting to be, needing to be everything that they don’t want you to be, then you truly see who you long to be and it causes sleep Deprivation.

All hale to thee the marvel and wonder of this physical admiration the unworldly possessions take a look through books and remember the shoes, boots, moccasins, and callused feet that have walked this earth that have tried to show us our true worth, and wonder how we could turn earth our mother into a Slut with our economic struggle where the rich get richer and the poor get hit by massive Tsunamis, hurricanes, earth quaking events where 3/4s of a cent is donated to their relief. with an army Fighting for tyranny and not what they truly believe.

I become a pawn in this game slowly brain washed and becoming inhumane rediscovering my actions but they try to bribe me with the stability of a pay check and the promises of a brighter education Never realizing the toll it takes on my body. about me.

My Interests


The Good and The Vice