Rosalin profile picture


Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return Full Metal Alchemist

About Me

Get Your Own! | View SlideshowWuz up!!!!! if u ain't know me... now u do. i go by da name of Roz... if u my pplz then u know da deal. i'm about 5'5''.... thick in da right places wit all da right curves!!But my man already know that!! I've been with my man for 8 years and he know what he got!!! We got a six year old daughter who's da biggest thing in my world... i love my booboo!! my fam lives out in jersey and even though i live out in MIA I still got love 4 my stompin' grounds in eastwick!!props to my pplz's holdin' it down in eastwick n' mad love to my niggas in da mia... i got ya! don't get it twisted! Oh, yeah by the way don't play wit that fire baby, cuz you'll get burned!!!!!!

My Interests

I ain't ur average chick... i'm a nerd and proud of it... there's brains behind this body!!! i'm an anthropology major, hoping to work in the field of archeology. No, that doesn't mean I'm gonna be diggin' 4 dinosaur bones!!! i get that all the time. i like to read alot ... as boring as that sounds, but i'm always down to watch a dope ass movie. ( the books are usually better than the movie though) i'm always down 4 a good conversation as long as its not with a complete moron..... people w/ a lack of brains need not apply!!! lol!!
You Are a Chimera
You are very outgoing and well connected to many people.
Incredibly devoted to your family and friends, you find purpose in nurturing others.
You are rarely alone, and you do best in the company of others.
You are incredibly expressive, and people are sometimes overwhelmed by your strong emotions. What Mythological Creature Are You?
Your Kissing Technique Is: Perfect
Your kissing technique is amazing - and you know it.
You have the confidence to make the first move.
And you always seem to know what kissing style is going to work best.
Sometimes you're passionate, sometimes you're a tease. And you're always amazing! Are You a Good Kisser?

I'd like to meet:

Really, anyone who can teach me something new... and yeah guys get your heads out uf the gutter!!! Hahaha!! I feel there's so much out there that we still don't know and if anyone is willing to point mye in a new direction, then why turn them away. It's those that are close-minded that completely refuse to see things in a new light that get left behind in the progression of things. If you're wiliing to explore that which is not obvious, let me know you might be suprised by what you don't know...


"Don't test me or I'll get gansta on yo Ass!!!!!!!!!!!!! LMFAO!!!!!!!! Nah, for REAL!!!!!


aiight if you have'nt seen this u d0n't kn0W wat ur missing..... AuDiti0n, Am0res Perr0s, AmeRican BeaUty, Bad EduCation, Belly, B0wling for c0lumBine, BruCe AllMighty, the ButtErFly Effect, City of G0d, CrasH, theCrime Of PaDre Amar0, Cr0uchinG TiGer HiDDen Drag0n, D0nnie Dark0, FamilY Guy - SteWie GriFFin: the Unt0ld St0ry,FeaR n L0atHing in Las VeGas, FiGht Club, Full MeTal Alchemist, Gia, GuMM0, H0use of Flying DaGGers, KIDS, L.I.E, the Life 0f DaviD Gale, The MachInist, MeMent0, MaTrix, M0nsTer, the M0t0rcyCle DiaRies, NinJa Scr0ll, One HouR Ph0t0, OriGinal Sin, Pay iT F0waRd, Pi, Ray,RequieM f0r a DreAm, RinGu, RogEr n Me, ScArfaCe, SeVen, Sin CiTy, SuSpect Zer0, TaKing LiVes, ThiRteen, TrainSp0tting, 21 GrAms, Vanillia SkY, What DrEams May C0me, .... Y tu MamA TaMbien


Family guy is the absolute Sh*t!!!!!! Gotta love a homocidal baby who wants to kill his mom and have sexy parties!!!!!!Hahahahaha!!!!

Which Fullmetal Alchemist Character are you?
Edward Elric
Take this quiz !

Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy
Quizilla | Join| Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab CodeDeadwood is the also the fucking shit!!!!!! Swedgin,... San Francisco Cocksucker!!!!Hahahaha!!!!!!!


i love hitting the books, unfortunately i haven't been able to finish one in a min. cuz i'm always reading more than one at a time.... these are some of my top books: The Earth Chronicles-- The 12th Planet, The Wars of Gods and Men, The Lost Realms, When Time Began, The Cosmic Code..... Divine Encounters, Genesis Revisited,.... Chariots of the Gods,... The Convuluted Universe,... The Biology of Transcendence,.... The DaVinci Code,... The Urantia Book,.... Bloodline of the Holy Grail,... The Lucifer Principle,... anything by Noam Chomsky,... The Stargate Cospiracy,.... The Art of War, Nineteen Eighty-Four,....Behold a Pale Horse.... can't think of all of them right now.......but check these out for now...:)


My mother... cuz anyone who can raise 3 kids on their own without a penny to their name and still raise their kids the right way deserves props!!! Through all the crap you still held me down and even when we didn't get along (which was a lot back then) you still never gave up on me, Love ya mom, ... your my best friend, my confidant, my world, my all... and no one will ever replace you in my heart!!! After all those days of struggling it’s a beautiful thing to see you in that big house and enjoying the finer things in life. 'Nuff respect goes out to all those other single moms out there, you're our everyday heroes!!

My Blog

food for thought

Is it all for naught,... have we just been so drowned by our own apathy that we cannot see what is out there or is it that there is nothing beyond the bubble we reside in that we call our mind. Never ...
Posted by Rosalin on Fri, 27 Jan 2006 11:53:00 PST