Ah-Na profile picture


Wide Eyes Shut.....

About Me

An Islander, A dreamer, A Clubber, A Dancer, A friend, A Cutie, A bubble, A laughter, A joke-ress, A Devil, A Flyer, A wanderer soul .... big eyes & young looking (nobody cld guess my age haw haw haw ) LOL . I'm just a simple gurl. Can be quiet at times. I look firece when I'm not smiling... :S A nice person actually :)

My Interests

A lot, you ask me .... :) at the moment, trying to get abs..kekkee LOL....

I'd like to meet:

Tall but not too tall... Lean but not too Skinny.... Beautiful , enchanting eyes ...... :) Anyone who is nice with a mild temper. You can come from a tropical land or across the antartic... I dun care, cos an occasional warm mail from ya..sweetens my day ! :)


Erm... No Me AMes, Oldies, RNB, Hip Hop... 80s..


None @ the moment...


rather be on-line........... or studying... or sleeping... Sleeps keep my youthful look. Meet friends for meals...kekeke esp breakfast !


Diary of Anne Frank........ more to come if I make an effort to browse the shelf.....


guys.... show me u're my hero ... hehehhehehe LOL

My Blog

Three Rules..... try to live by them.. Its not easy...I'll try....

Out of clutter, find Simplicity From discord, find Harmony In the middle of difficulty lies Opportunity Albert Einstein - Three Rules of Work
Posted by Ah-Na on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST