A lot, you ask me .... :) at the moment, trying to get abs..kekkee LOL....
Tall but not too tall... Lean but not too Skinny.... Beautiful , enchanting eyes ...... :) Anyone who is nice with a mild temper. You can come from a tropical land or across the antartic... I dun care, cos an occasional warm mail from ya..sweetens my day ! :)
Erm... No Me AMes, Oldies, RNB, Hip Hop... 80s..
None @ the moment...
rather be on-line........... or studying... or sleeping... Sleeps keep my youthful look. Meet friends for meals...kekeke esp breakfast !
Diary of Anne Frank........ more to come if I make an effort to browse the shelf.....
guys.... show me u're my hero ... hehehhehehe LOL