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comedy, rap, BBQ, women, booze, sports, lakes, mountains, recording music, winning the lotto!
people who like to enjoy themselves and live life to the fullest!
DJ Quik, The Beatnuts, Snoop, Devin The Dude, DJ Moves, Jewelz, Nas, The Quartertones, Triple Threat, Stay, PipSkid, The Goods, Kaboom, Rhek One, Cee!!!!!!!!, Governor Bolts, Nextraterrestrials, Fatt Matt, Thrysite, Birdapres, Collapsyllables, Mindbender, Eternia, Aleus aka V.S.t.ill, Tachichi, Styles Of Beyond, Divine Styler, OK Cobra/Ryan Styles, Boz Faramone, Transit 'n Tonic, John Smith, Bastid, Dinco D, The Tups, Sick Steen, SL Fresh Traxx, Nitram, and many many more!