♥ MONI ♥ profile picture

♥ MONI ♥

As a matter of fact - i AM Queen of the World! Now STFU before i kick your @ss out!! img src=http://

About Me

If you wanna know anything about me - dont ask my friends - cuz theyll just tell u the truth & i want u to like me! lol
My name is Monica, I'm 29 yrs old, divorced, no kids. The only rugrats in my life are my nieces & nephews. I like hanging out w/my friends & family on the weekends (or as much as possible) - and sometimes just hanging out w/myself @ home, relaxing. I love boxing, I have a few fav's, but generally just in love w/the sport itself & I love watching the Spurs games - not all basketball - JUST my Spurs! I'm a sarchastic, smartass, argumentative type of person, but its all in fun - so dont get all butt hurt about it! If u can handle it, send me a message, if not, hit that lil "x" on the top right hand corner of this page! I carry a bat in my hands, & my heart on my sleeve. Mess w/the heart & you'll get knocked the f*ck out w/the bat!
I'm an office manager for a road construction co. A lot of my time is spent at work. I'm usually the first one to get there & the last one to leave. I love my job! I love how far I've gotten, how much I've learned from this job, & I love how after 10 yrs of working here, I'm STILL learning new things. My work is very important to me. Right now, this IS my baby.
My friends are very special to me - I love them dearly! Through work I've been able to get closer to my lil sister (she works w/me) & I've meet some great friends as well.
My family - OH MY LORD I LOVE MY FAMILY! They are a blessing to me! We have a unique family situation - but it works for us. I have 2 sisters, 1 brother, 2 nieces, 3 nephews, 2 stepdads & my mommy. And of course, friends that are so close they may as well be family! I'd have to know u better to tell you more about our little family situation. It's not the blood that runs through our veins that makes us a family, it's the hearts the blood is pumping to. I would lay down my life & sacrifice anything I had to see my family happy. My sisters - oh my God - get us together & forget it! Add my sister-in-law & u better run!!! The women in my family are unbelievable! Strong, secure, intelligent, beautiful & amazing (i'm serious - ALL the women - right down to the baby!). The men in my family - well they're lucky to have us! lol Its not about the men in our family - its about the women - & u better believe we're going to back each other up - AGAINST ANYONE!
If youre still reading, youre obviously interested, so if u want to know more, just ask!

My Interests

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100 Facts About Me
Full Name: Monica Ann (You dont need my last name)
Nicknames: Moni
Weight: None of your business
Height: 5' 3" & 1/4
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Siblings: Bobbie, Ann & Larry
Do you like to sing in the shower: Sometimes
Do you like to sing on the toilet: lol what?
Birth date: Aug 26th - Buy me gifts!!!
Favorite color: Orange
City: San Antonio
State: Texas
Sex: This is a stupid question
Righty or lefty: Right
What do u want in a relationship: a best friend
Have you ever cheated: yes - but i wont say on what
Do you have ur license: yes
Do you have a car: yes
Movies: 10 things I hate about you & I'll do anything
TV Shows: Friends
Actor: none
Actress: none
Food: Enchiladas
Number: 3
Cartoon: tom & jerry
Disney Character: Princess Jazmine lol
Do you want to get married: yes
How old do you want to be when you have ur 1st child: before im 35
How old do you want to be when you get married: hopefully by 33
Would you have kids before you get married: NO - You see that Justine & Hill - NO
Do you have a bf/gf: no
Do you have a crush: maybe
~*~*My Preference*~*~
Music/TV: TV
Green/Blue: Green
Pink/Purple: Pink
Fall/Spring: Fall
Summer/Winter: Winter
Night/Day: Night
Hangin Out/Chillen: Hanging Out
Dopey/Funny: Funny
~*~*All About You*~*~
Favorite Saying: i dont cook
School you go to: none
Have you ever taken drugs: NO - u hear that Justine & Hill - NO
Whats a major turn on for you: brains
How far would you go on a first date: a kiss
~*~*The Person You Know Who Is...*~*~
Most Blonde: Justine & Bobbie - lol
Funniest: Bobbie
Best Person: Justine Nichole
Nicest: Michelle
Which people are you open with and trust the most: Bobbie, Michelle & Jaye
What do you think of soul mates: I havent found mine, so i dont know
What was the last thing you cried or got teary eyed about: When I got a ticket - I got so mad i teared up
Strangest: Hill
Are you happy: yes
What's an object you can't live without: my cell phone
Love or lust: love
Silver or gold: silver
Diamond or pearl: diamond
Sunset or sunrise: sunset
Have you ever gone skinny dipping: yes
Do you sleep with stuffed animals: only when i have to travel
Do you have any piercings: yes
What color underwear are you wearing right now: hot pink
What song are u listening to right now: poppin my collar
What are the last digits of your phone number: 9109
Where would you want to go on your honeymoon: greece or the galapagos
What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex: his face
Favorite sport: tie between basketball & boxing
What makes you happy: my nieces & nephews
What's the next cd your going to get: lol - whichever one i decide to burn
Do you wear glasses or contacts: both
What's the best advice ever given to you: make yourself happy
Have you won any special awards: yes - Nat'l Adult Honor Society & a Scholarship
What are your future goals: pay off my truck & buy me a house
Worst sickness: insomnia
Do you like funny or scary movies better: funny
On the phone or in person: phone
Hugs or kisses: hugs
What song seems to reflect you the most: Don't Call Me Baby - Madison Avenue
If you died tomorrow who would you leave your stuff to: the little that i do have will go to my nieces & nephews
Do you have any enemies: probably
What is your greatest fear: to die alone
Would you rather be rich or famous: rich
What time is it in Albania right now: who cares
If you had only 24 hrs left to live, who would you spend them with: my friends & family
Have you met Santa: yes - he's a pervert
If e.t knocked on your door holding a peace sign asking to use your phone, what would you do: ask if he's going to phone home
When was the last time you talked to the person you liked: last night
Do you have any pets: nope
Last time you were depressed: when they made me get off the cruise ship
Are you an alcoholic: nope
Favorite Alcoholic Drink: budlight
How far have you gone with a guy/girl: umm - im not a virgin - but i've been married Justine & Hill!!!
Favorite day of the week: Friday
Mood right now: sleepy
Who sent this to you: I got it from Hill
What do u think of the person you found this from: She's unique & special
Do you want your friends to write back: i dont care
Do you like this survey: i guess
Take This Survey - or - Meet friends at ChillAxen.com
You're an Expert Kisser
You're a kissing pro, but it's all about quality and not quantity
You've perfected your kissing technique and can knock anyone's socks off
And you're adaptable, giving each partner what they crave
When it comes down to it, your kisses are truly unforgettable What Kind of Kisser Are You?

I'd like to meet:

& someone who is actually worth meeting and not a waste of my time! If you're a lil punk get the hell off my site! lol


My favorite artist of all time is Sheryl Crow!!! Gotta love her! My Favorite song....Lets Stay Together by Al Green! I listen to a variety of music, oldies, hip hop, rap, country, tejano, u get the idea! Dancing to this music - well that's a different story. I'd like to think that I can dance to hip hop, I'll TRY to dance to country, the man is suppose to lead with tejano - I'm a pretty bright girl - I'm sure I can follow. Oldies - NO NO - I'll leave the "Stroll" up to my parents!


Any ghost movie!!! Not Freddy vs. Jason or crap like that, I mean GHOST movies!!! The 6th Sense, The Others, Stirr of Echoes, Etc.I also love movies like Friday, Barbershop, Taxi, Napoleon Dynamite, any mafia, mobster, ganster movies, and ANY movies about boxing, Ali, Raging Bull, Etc.(I love movies w/Robert De Niro and Al Pacino)


If the Spurs are on - I'm watching! I ♥ MY SPURS!!! I ♥ MY MANU!!!
The only real TV I watch is late night, right before I go to bed. I mostly watch movies from my lil collection of DVD's.


I love reading "The Bad Girls Guide's" Funny as hell!!! I also love reading books on ghosts, i know i know, im wierd but i dont care!!! Most of my library consists of these books, I cant help it, for some reason it interests me!


My mom! She raised 3 bad ass little girls on her own - No help from our father what so ever. My other hero - my daddy! He didn't have to be our daddy - but he took us in like we were his. And last, but definately not least - MYSELF! I have been through some bullsh*t in my life and sometimes I can't even believe that I made it through. I knew growing up that life was hard - but mommy never told me that it would kick you when you were down. I never imagined at my age that I would already have so many lessons learned. It's not a curse - it's a blessing to be this young and already have so much history behind you.

My Blog

Ups & Downs of my Birthday...

This year I turned 30 - Thats right - Thirty dammit!  I didnt quite know what to expect...emotionally, but it wasnt that bad.  Here are a few ups & downs that i didnt expect.   Down...
Posted by ♥ Ginobili's Girl ♥ on Mon, 28 Aug 2006 11:50:00 PST

The Keys to my Heart

The Keys to Your Heart You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and free.In love, you feel the most alive when your lover is creative and never lets you feel bored.You'd like ...
Posted by ♥ Ginobili's Girl ♥ on Wed, 23 Aug 2006 10:40:00 PST

From my sister to me...

Ms. New Booty, Just wanted to THANK YOU for an awesome time on Saturday, i think thats the only time i went out and couldnt hook up.. haha!! Monica - thank you so much for a...
Posted by ♥ Ginobili's Girl ♥ on Mon, 31 Jul 2006 06:37:00 PST

The Details

So here it is, Sunday - they day after.  Ann had a ball - almost literally, lol.  We all had to wake up extra early to get last minute things done, shopping of course.  I was shopping ...
Posted by ♥ Ginobili's Girl ♥ on Mon, 31 Jul 2006 04:03:00 PST

***Final Update*** Anna's Batchelorette Party

Its Final!!!   We are meeting at my place @ 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, 07-29-06   Well have appletinis, cosmos, take our Batchelorette Party Oath & play a few games before we head out! &...
Posted by ♥ Ginobili's Girl ♥ on Tue, 25 Jul 2006 07:31:00 PST

can u hear me now?

These dudes out here got one thing on their mind, trynna get IN like Verizon, but don't wanna sign a contract. Now they mad cuz females raisin the bar like Cingular and not givin a BEEP BEEP bout thes...
Posted by ♥ Ginobili's Girl ♥ on Wed, 19 Jul 2006 04:51:00 PST

More About Me

What is the best advice your mother ever gave you?-don't worry about what anyone else thinks, just make sure what youre doing makes you happyWhat do you feel sexiest in?-all blackHave you ever been in...
Posted by ♥ Ginobili's Girl ♥ on Mon, 17 Jul 2006 08:18:00 PST


Down to EARTH Like a rocket scientist, the Earth Signs (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) are logical, pragmatic and dependable. They are the most bottom-line oriented of the entire zodiac. Being the highl...
Posted by ♥ Ginobili's Girl ♥ on Tue, 11 Jul 2006 04:54:00 PST

Few things about Dallas that I actually love

The hospital that my nephew & niece were born in - because they brought them safely into this world. Bubba - The Stud! Carsons Live! The fact that when I stopped at a store in Dalla...
Posted by ♥ Ginobili's Girl ♥ on Mon, 10 Jul 2006 05:10:00 PST


Well, first I have to say - it wasn't very smart for Sara and I to participate in an impromptu "Girls Night Out" Friday night knowing we had to drive to Dallas the next day - we ...
Posted by ♥ Ginobili's Girl ♥ on Mon, 03 Jul 2006 12:00:00 PST