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Kirk Eberhard

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

A real human being, alive in the truest sense and grateful for it. Equally capable of profound and innane thoughts, and prone to both. Learning about life one day at a time.

My Interests

World Peace and fine cheeses. Also, matters of faith; music; literature; art (all kinds); photography; cycling (the kind without motors...); hiking, climbing, camping, and the outdoors; guitars; mechanics; carpentry; cars; aviation; architecture; travel... Did I mention World Peace?

I'd like to meet:

Osama Bin Laden - just once...


No, thank you - already got plenty. Easier to list what I don't like than what I do, but Mama said, "If you can't say something nice..."


Now, there's a can of worms: Anything by Pixar.... 'Apocolypse Now,' 'American Grafitti,' 'Saving Private Ryan,' 'Chinatown,' 'Blazing Saddles,' 'The Shawshank Redemption,' 'A Hard Days Night,' 'Slingblade,' 'Monty Python's Holy Grail,' 'Rear Window,' 'The Bridge On The River Kwai,' 'Gladiator,' 'Hail, Hail, Rock 'n' Roll,' 'The Unforgiven,' 'Caddyshack,' (this might take a while...)


Hah, hah! You got me there! Is 'Andy Griffith' still on?


All of them except Al Gore's. Oh, and Hillary's too.


Jesus; Martin Luther; George Washington; Albert Einstein; Samuel L. Clemens/Mark Twain; C.S. Lewis; John/Paul/George/Ringo; Miles Davis; Abraham Lincoln; David (Old Testament King); Ludwig van Beethoven; Jonas Saulk; Ted Williams; James Brown; Socrates; William Faulkner; George Patton; Willie Dixon; Leonardo da Vinci; Oswald Chambers; Jack Nicklaus; Aristotle; Al Green; Mahatma Gandhi; William Shakespeare; Woody Guthrie; Winston Churchill; Ray Charles; Frank Lloyd Wright; Jesse Owens; Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart; Thomas Jefferson; James Jamerson; Orville and Wilbur Wright; Paul (New Testament Apostle); Albert Schweitzer; Ben Hogan; Les Paul; Martin Luther King, Jr.(to be continued...)