Music, Culture, Laughter, Children.
People around the world.
A lotta old school. I LOVE Music! I love listening to it at all volumes! If I could walk around with headphones on all the time, I would.
Comedy/Romance/Independent Films/
Documentaries/Biographies/flicks with my friends in 'em...
My first Student Film: En Las Sombras
The name of the short film: En las Sombras (In the Backgrounds).
Sesame Street, The Cosby Show, A Different World, Growing Pains, Saved by the Bell, The Wonder Years, 90210, Will and Grace, Sex and the City, El Clon.
HOLA Stories - Blanca Vasquez
My HOLA story... being a member since 2003...
The Artist's Way by Julie Cameron... The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren... The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz... Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West by Gregory Maguire... AUDITION by ... Sanford Meisner On Acting by Sandy Meisner... All I Really Need to Know I learned in Kindergarten by Robert Fulghum... Jails, Hospitals and Hip Hop by Danny Hoch... Random Family by Adrian Nicole LeBlanc... Soledad by Angie Cruz... Dark by Kenji Jasper... (To be continued)
I admire my mother, my sisters, my father and my brothers for their strength and care. My family is very giving and ambitious. I like that about us. We are proud and we get what we work for... The heroes in my life represent integrity; that do what they say they'll do... They make me laugh, no matter how corny. People with different characters in their head that are free to express themselves. Laughter is key in life... and I admire adventurous people who go anywhere around the world. We are different people when we are open and accept a rainbow of cultures and languages.