Lael profile picture


I am here for Dating and Friends

About Me

I have a perverse sense of humor and an uncanny sense of magnetic north, which make me a decent person to be lost in the woods with.

My Interests

philosophy, cartoons, big thumpers, snuggle, tousled boy-hair, shakin what my momma gave me, lethal cocktails, backpacking, arsty&craftsy stuff, nordic and alpine skiing, college hoops, NBA, bubbly baths, cruisin for a bruisin

I'd like to meet:

adventurous, sharp-witted outdoorsies who find joie de vivre in the everyday and mundane.


a schizophrenic blend that ranges from smart electronica to hip-hop to horrible 80s synth pop to dancehall to sad cowboy music... and back again.


too many to name, but I love Jim Jarmusch (Dead Man is one my fave flicks of all time) and David Lynch. I have an ongoing obsession with Donnie Darko. Jeder fuer sich und Gott gegen alle


Battlestar Galactica, Twin Peaks (my favorite), Invader Zim, Space Ghost C2C. But mostly lots of sports.