I want to get into a good college. And....I want to shop the whole time I'm trying to do it. hehehe. I don't really have any specific interests, I guess....I just like to do whatever man...
I'd like to meet.....the man of my dreams...Brad Pitt. Hehehe just kidding! Okay so I'm not...but still, I really would like to meet the man of my dreams. Don't know when or where or if it'll ever happen, but hey...big goals, big rewards right? :)
Anything, Seriously....anything and everything. I hate how people are like oh yah I listen to everything but country. Hello!!! If you don't listen to country you don't listen to everything, you bloody moron! I mean....I'm not saying I'm an expert and like...every rock band, mo-town group, italian opera singer, and rapper since like the dawn of time. But I'm just saying, if it sounds good, I'll like it.
Oh man......I am in bloody LOVE with movies. Same with music man......I'll watch whatever. I think......the best movie in the whole wide world.....is Disney's Beauty and the Beast....ahem, uh, just kidding! ha...ha...ha? OKay fine, what else...Lord of the Rings man.....That trilogy is the SHIT, I swear...nothing compares man...yah...okay I'm a geek, but those movies are Bloody awesome.
The OC, One Tree Hill.....Frikkin Dawson's Creek and Sex and the City are like....the Bestest shows EVER...and umn....American Idol, and umnm....yah okay, I really like Soap Operas, General Hospital is my favorite, shut up! stop laughing at me! I swear I'm not THAT big a loser. I swear, i just sound like it...hehehe
The Great Gatsby was really good, but I recommend....In Her Shoes, and Good in Bed for girls to read, and Booty Nomad for boys. They're awesome books, some really bad ass stories man...its like a movie, these novels. Look em up, read em, they're really good.
Jennifer Aniston, because she married the Hottest guy EVER, i mean it to EVER.