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Viva Meu Mestre!!!

About Me

Sangre, Cultura, Musica, Amistad, Lealtad y Capoeira.
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My Interests

Family,Capoeira, Music, Fashion, Traveling,

running/biking Great Sex, Diversity, Nutririon, Psychological Challenges, Books, Epic/horror/comic films, languages, the environment, loyal & true frindships, Ethics, Sports(Golf is NOT a sport by the way, NEITHER is racing cars), Parties(good ones), The Springs:), Fine looking females and Water. ..

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Gente interesante. ..

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No polka, no kakerias, no emo, no country,,,ev else i dig.Your results:
You are The Flash The Flash 100% Green Lantern 80% Iron Man 65% Wonder Woman 60% Supergirl 60% Hulk 60% Superman 60% Spider-Man 55% Robin 50% Catwoman 45% Batman 30% Fast, athletic and flirtatious.
Click here to take the "Which Superhero am I?" quiz...


Favorite films(not in order): Troy, The Crow, American Beauty, Underworld, Braveheart, Big Fish, Half Baked, Old School, Kill Bill 1, TMNT 1&2(dont tell me you weren't a fan:), Nigthmare Before Christmas, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Blow, Ace Ventura 2, 6Sence, Se7en Eternal Sunshine, Matrix trilogy, The Departed and a bunch more,,but you get my drill!!!:). ..

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like to watch social criticism cartoons, boondocks, metalocalypse, futurama, family guy, flav of luv, TLC, SciFi, Discovery or THC.


Fovorite book is the Iliad, Love reading Greek Mythology, psychological thrillers and vampire/unearthly themes such as the ones that Ane Rice provides. I aslo enjoy nutritional/excersice mags or books. And offcourse who can not like Edgar Allan Poe's short morbid stories and poems.


Julia U Torrech(My Mama), Mestre Rodrigo, Ali, Fela, Bruce Lee, Bob M, Mestre Fran, Mestre Bimba.