Music, snowboarding, hang wth the wife and dog and having a good time.
Ville Valo, Larry Jonhson(which i have) Cage, Asop rock, El-P.YAK BALLZ
HIM zero mancer bloodhound gang Cage, Aesop Rock EL-P CKY and all kinds of ILL shit!YAK SKYWALKER!SSS
Born on the 4th of July. I just watched it again and it has new meaning to me now. After getting Badly hurt and blown up in Iraq over the summer it hit me in a hard way. Seeing a boy growing up the same way and watching all of his friends and himself go to war, and the proplems he has when he returns home. Great movie and i kinda feel some of the same feelings now, all WAR is the same!
FAMILY GUY!!! The white rapper show, ATHF(Frylock rules) any thing about war.
Jonny got his gun! (the song ONE from Metallica was based on it)
SSG MILLAGAN SGT D LT Chris Myself and the ADA 1/3 ACR for real you guys are badmofo's! and VILLALOBOS & HANH