For Booking e-mail Casey Lain at [email protected] Ticket Night bookings email Jesse Samudio at [email protected] Private Events and Parties email Amber Rhynes at [email protected]
House of Rock is open Monday - Friday from 2:00PM til 2:00AM, Saturday 5pm-2am and Sundays 8pm-2am There is NEVER A COVER in the front bar where you will find a kick ass selection of music in our juke box, a foosball table, pool table and lots of rock art on the walls. We have a full bar and offer daily drink specials as well as happy hour. House of Rock is home to the original Bar Olympics, Artist Mixer and many other special events.
We welcome all genres of music from accoustic one man bands to full bands with big sound. If you are intrested in performing or if you have a recomendation, let us know. We are an all ages venue and require everyone who is drinking to have proper ID.
Tickets for all of our shows can be purchased during business hours at the venue or online at www.TexasHouseofRock.Com
See you at the show!