Music, Cars, Art, Animals, Swimming, Camping, Shopping, Guitars, Cooking, Baseball, Sports etc. BMX, Hanging out with the ladies and gentleman, Rock shows, Movies and plenty more.
My future self
Story of the Year, Pitbull, Funeral for a friend, Nickleback, Silvertide, Tim McGraw, Trivium, Hank Williams Jr. Ciera, Fightstar, Silverstein, Every Time I die, Bob Marley, Santana, Hatebreed, Dredge, Atreyu, Red hot Chilli peppers, DJ Teisto, Rhiana, Paramore, Panic At the Disco, Deftones, Metallica, Pantera, Orgy, Rage against the machine, Trapt, The Black Eyed Peas, Keith Urban, Low Milions
Dumb and Dumber, Napolean Dynamite, Beverly Hills Ninja, The Goonies, Poltergeist, Captain Ron, The hills have eyes, Pulp Fiction, Blackhawk down, Full metal Jacket, Billions!
I don't watch much TV.
Generation Kill, Life on the Other Side, The Divinci Code, Angels and Demons, Maximum ride, The Encyclopedia (X).
My Friends!