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About Me

my name is JESSICA..i was bOrn in BrOOkLyn I Lived in NeW jersEy fOr 5years nOw im back in brOOklyn. im 4'11 i weigh 95 lbs. my birthday is May 21st. i have blOnde and brOwn highlights darker brOwn underneath lt brOwn eyes.and im tan..i lOve bOiz, gOing shOppin,and my friends. In the summer i lOve tO gO tO the beach! I have 2 TatToOs & a belly buttOn ring.i just like tO have fun. sO as lOng as im havin fun im ariite . I hate tO be bOard. i like dOing what I want, i hate when peOple tell me what tO dO. i lOve being with my friends. i alsO lOve music. mOstly Mariah Carey Others tO like hip-hOp, r&b, technO n rap. i dOn't like being mean, if i am.. i'm usually Only just jOking arOund. unless i just dOn't like yOu, then i really dOn't give a shit. i'm nOt afraid tO be myself. i dOn't really care what peOple think of me. usually, they dOn't even actually knOw anything abOut me. i like tO dO what i want,when i want and have fun as much as i can. i hate fake girls n drama. sOmetimes i'd rather just be with guys then girls. girls are tO much fucking drama sOmetimes.. when i have sOmething tO say, i'll say it. i dOn't care whether YOU like me Or noOt, just make sure yOu get tO knOw me befOre yOu talk shit , then yOu can say whateva the hell yOur little ♥ desires! xO ¡¦ i alsO hate bOi¡¯s that lie and that dOnt knOw hOw tO treat yOu after a cOuple Of mOnths. If yOur gunna be in a relastiOnship knOw hOw tO treat a girl befOre yOu decide yOu really wanna be in One Or be with her. thats abOut it ....♥

My Interests

caLL Me a sLut . caLL Me a whOre . caLL Me wHatevA. i’ve heaRd iT befOre. Say tHat i'M faKe . Say tHat i Lie . Say wHat yOu waNt. yOu wOn’t seE mE StReSs, BeCauSe i knOw nOne Of iT's trUe, bUt caLLin mE aLL tHis sHit, HA, wHat thE heLL dOes tHat maKe yOu?? BkB♥

A true friend is a persOn whO is there fOr yOu thrOugh thick and thin. They dOn't judge you by the clOthes yOu wear Or the size Of yOur hOuse. They lOve yOu nO matter what. They are a shOulder tO cry On, Or a partner tO laugh with. They stand by yOu in yOur times Of need and listen when yOu're excited. They knOw every little thing abOut yOu. They stand up fOr yOu when Others dOn't. i lOve My friends ♥ B.k.B ♥

I'd like to meet:

a bOi whO dOnt have drama beHinD hiM whO iS lOyaL hOnesT CariNg lOviNg fUn OutgOinG lOves tO sPenD TimE wiTh mE buT aLsO hAve Our SpacE caLLs iN thE miDdLe Of thE niiTe jUst tO teLL yOu hE lOvEs yOu anD BeiNg thE girL thAt MeaNs eVerythiNg tO hiM

--*never let sOme1 be yOur priOriTy if they Only treat yOu as an OptiOn*--

TheRe wiLL cOme a tiMe iN yOur Life wHen yOu wiLL becOme iNfatUatEd witH a siNgLe sOul. fOr tHis persOn yOu'd dO aNytHing aNd nOt tHink tWice abOut iT, bUt wHen asKed wHy ... yOu haVe nO aNsWeR. yOu'll tRy yOur whOle Life tO unDerstaNd hOw a siNgLe persOn cAn afFect yOu as mUch aS tHey dO, bUt yOu'll neVer fiNd Out. And nO maTter hOw badLy yOu haTe iT Or hOw badLy iT hUrts ... yOu'll lOve tHis persOn withOut regRet, fOr the reSt Of yOur Life.♥ sOmetiiMes yOu canT heLp thE waY yOu'r HearT fEeLs.